Episode 9: I Hear Whispers.

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Jamie's POV

"I want to trust Michael but what do I do now?"I asked.

"Call him first."Mom suggested.

"But isn't he the one who is supposed to call first." I asked.

"Just call him first."

"Alright,I will call him whatever happens is on you." I informed her.

"Deal." she nodded.

I picked up my phone reluctantly and dialled his number.

Jamie's POV


<Woman over the phone>
"This number you have called  is switched off."

But Michael never switches off his phone. I hope he is okay.

"Mum,his phone is switched off." I announced,worried.

"Why don't you go over to his place?"she suggested.

"Hmm, okay." I said,as I grabbed my coat and held it.

"Call me if something happens"she said.

"Okay,bye." I announced.

I flagged down a taxi and entered as I called his phones but it wasn't going through.The only thing I could do was to mutter a silent prayer to God.

"I hope he is okay,God please protect him for me."

"Ma'am,we are here"The cab driver called to my attention.

"Are you sure?"I asked.

He nodded.

"Okay,thanks here is your pay."

I rushed off and thanked him.Judging from the way, I got off from the taxi,He must have wondered if I was a psycho.

Well,my boyfriend was in danger,I couldn't care less.

While walking into the house,I saw two hefty man hurry off on sighting me.

I  trailed off the footprints to a door and instinctively,I opened the door.

When I was sure no one else was inside,I hurried in and saw Michael lying on the wall half dead. He looked pale and his skin looked white.I wanted to curse at myself for letting him go away that night.
It looked like he was beaten to a pulp.

"Oh my!what happened to you?" I asked,as I dropped my bag on the  ground.

Blood dripped from his head and also I could trace a slight mark on his navel.The way he lost blood was starting to get me scared.I couldn't think straight and think right all I had to do was grab the nearest handkerchief to me but there wasn't any.

My hands acted before me,I didn't know when I tore off my shirt and  pressed against the wounds while calling 911.

I didn't know what I was doing but my instinct told me to search around that I could find some piece of alcohol.

Luckily,Alcohol can easily be found in a man's home .I carefully took the remaining alcohol and poured the little drop into the cover .

Since his house was messed up ,I didn't want to tamper with anything so I wouldn't ruin the evidence.

I pressed his navel with the cloth.

"Who did this to you?" I asked,still pressing his navel with a cloth.

"Slowly,it hurts."a voice called out to me.It was all I heard while trying to save his life.

Realising,it was only a matter of time before I realized that I and Michael were the only ones in the house.

I heard something.My subconscious mind was playing a trick on me right.

I heard it again,this time was more clearer than the last one.

"Micheal, if you can hear me ,can you speak one more time." I pleaded.

"J-a-m-i-e!I'm sorry." He called out to with his voice resonating in my ears.

"Don't say anything,save your strength."I said."I'm the one who is sorry,I am so sorry."

He smiled.

Michael,yet shivering put his trembling hands on my face as I held his hands in support.

I couldn't keep the tears in,it was a clear release of my blood,sweat and tears.

There is no way,I'm letting you go again.No way.

I leaned in for a hug and rested my head on his shoulder.

I was worried,he seemed to be hurting a lot more.

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