Ch 5: Teamwork

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As I'm walking with Sereia, I hear sounds coming from where Gargamal is. 'Sounds like he's giving them hell'. Sereia also keeps badgering me about what happened with the hybrid, "Why was he yelling at you Kalamy? How does he know you?" I said nothing and kept walking, but I think she could tell what had happened by my silence. "Kal you didn't, don't tell me you sold an innocent hybrid to those cretins. How could you!?" She says to me. I stop and turn towards her, "I had no choice, Gondra was going to kill you if I didn't pay our debt to him. I had to find a way, he told me he would if I brought him a strong hybrid to him to work as a slave. What was I supposed to do Sereia?" She looks at me with anger, "Was he a bad person at least?" I look at her and say, "If i tell you yes, will you keep walking?"

She punches me hard in the arm, "How could you! You could have tried to find a bad person to trade jerk. I would never want an innocent person getting hurt because of me." I grab my arm, "First off ow, secondly, there's not a lot of hybrids left. Even in his village there weren't any, thirdly, I'm willing to trade anyone in order to keep you out of their hands. So hate me all you want, but I don't regret it," I tell her. I start to walk a little but then notice she hasn't taken a step. "What?" I ask her. "You need to go help him Kal." I look at her dumbfounded, "Are you joking? If I help him, Gondra and his goons will come after us and kill us both. Plus, I don't think Gargamal would be happy to see me." "Either you help him, or I go back without you." I try to plea but she gives me a look that basically says 'I don't care.' I sigh hard, "Fine, let's go save him."

We start running to where Gargamal was, and as we get close, the sounds of fighting and destruction quiets down to nothing. We approach slowly and I tell Sereia to stay back so I can handle it. I walk ahead carefully to try and see what the situation looks like before rushing in. I peek around a bush and see what looks like a battlefield, a few small craters smoking, trees and bushes either burnt or torn apart, scorched dirt, and Gargamal standing near five dead bodies, blood running down his arms and mouth evaporating slowly off his body. I'm about a hundred feet away from him but can feel an intense heat surrounding the area around him, I swear he's a few degrees away from igniting into flames.

I'm turning away when I hear something that makes me stop dead in my tracks. "Kaalllllaaaammmyyyyy," Gargamal said in a slow deep growling voice. I turn and see Gargamal staring at me, it looks like his eyes have become engulfed in mini flames. As he stares at me, the flames in his eyes begin to take shape around his entire body. He starts to look like the epicenter of a raging inferno. It took him only a couple of seconds for him to dash the distance between me and him and land a fire fueled uppercut to my face and sends me flying straight up into the sky. I can barely feel any part of my body as I soar upwards, until I stop in the air and descend downwards rapidly. I crash hard into the ground, leaving a small indent in the ground.

I may not be able to feel my body, but what I can feel is the heat from Gargamal getting hotter and hotter. He's getting closer and I can't even move at all. He stands above me and grabs me by the throat and lifts me above him. "I told you, if I ever saw you again, I'd rip your throat out. You were foolish to come back for me human," he says in a deep growl. I feel his grip on my throat getting tighter and tighter, "Any last words?" I start to panic, but suddenly see an orb of water surround him and swallow him up, with me in it. I can feel his grip loosening up, maybe I can wiggle free. I try to pull his hands free, but I also feel some extra force pulling his hands apart with me. Sereia must also be trying while distracting him with the water.

"I'm trying Kal, but he's very strong. Must have pissed him off badly," she tells me. I see him thrashing about as well, looks like we both can't breathe. His claws start to break free of my throat, and now that I'm free, I swim towards the edge of the orb and pass through it and land onto the ground. I start to gasp as much air into my lungs as fast as possible. "What are you doing Sereia? I told you to stay behind," I told her as I start to get some air back into me. "I believe what you meant to say was, 'thanks for saving my skin. You're the best.' Right Kal?" I give her a defeated look, taking many deep breaths. "Thanks." Gargamal starts to slow his thrashing, "Maybe you should release him before he croaks in there," I tell her. She lowers her hands and the orb pops, spilling water everywhere around him. We approach him slowly to make sure he's still breathing. "You okay hybrid?" She asks him. He starts to cough up a lot of water. As he gets on all fours, he turns to see Sereia and stops and stares at her.

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