Ch 11: The Trip Back

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   We had been here for close to a week, and despite being hurt, I was in the training hall working with those gravity stones, as Zero calls it. They work wonders with strength training, I feel much stronger after using them than before. I'd tie a rag on them when it go to the appropriate weight I wanted and start swinging it around or lifting it multiple times, or even fly around and use it. It also puts a lot of weight on my pain, nowadays, I can't tell if I hurt from training or from the fight against Goliath. 

We'd also been waiting on the reinforcements that the resistance has sent to escort Zero back since he was captured and wasn't able to message them. Honestly, feels like they've been crawling here with how long it's taking them. Zero walks in and sees me running to one side of the hall to the other quickly, "Hey, the crew is here and they want to meet all of you guys." "I'll be out in a bit. I've testing out a new way to use the stones," I told him. "How so?" "I tie a rag around my ankles, put the stones there and tie those stones onto the rag, and run around to increase my running speed or use them to increase the power in my kicking." I jump upward and kick a thick slab of rock I had brought in a while back and kick it so hard, it caused it to break in half.

   "Impressive, I know you've been working on that slab for a while. Looks like you’re really improving your power and speed, but anyways, we need to go meet them," said Zero. "I'll be out in a few; I still have some laps to run. Let me know when Sereia is done cooking though, I'll be very hungry after this," I told him. "Fine, but don't take too long, we need to discuss what happened down there." I wave my hand at Zero and continuing running, he sighs a little and walks right out. These stones really work wonders on training, I can't imagine not training with them at this point. After running at least 15 more laps, I take the stones off and toss them to the side and walk out of the training hall. As soon as I walk, I am instantly hit with an incredible aroma that makes my mouth water like crazy. I love that Sereia knows how to cook, I use to be a simple hybrid eating meat in a simple way, but now I've gotten spoiled over her amazing cooking. I have to work out even more at training because I eat so much of it. Whoever she marries will be a lucky, and soon to be fat, man who will never leave the kitchen.

   I almost run down the short hall and see Zero, Kalamy, and 4 new people to the left in the resting area, and Sereia to right working her amazing food magic on the cauldron. She can fight, heal, AND cook, she's a heck of a human. "Smells delicious as always Sereia, I can't wait for dinner." "Thanks Gargamal, just make sure you leave enough for everyone this time okay?" she says with a wink. "Your never gonna let me live that down huh? That was only the one time, plus it's your fault for cooking so great," I said with a chuckle. She rolls her eyes with a smirk and continues stirring the cauldron. I walk over to Zero and them and sit between him and Kalamy, "What are we discussing ladies?" I ask them jokingly. The new people look at me with an unfazed expression, "Tough crowd sheesh," I say under my breath. "I'm Gargamal, who are you?" I asked. The human with black hair, green eyes, and a dark complexion talks first, "I'm Rossland, the two orcs next to me is Roush and Throak, and the Teensie on my other side is Toan. We're discussing the best course of action on getting back to headquarters, through what territories and in what formation," said Rossland.


   They have an entire map of the four kingdoms spread out in front of them, "I suggested taking these roads we travelled through to get here, with a formation of you and Zero in the middle and all of us surrounding you two. Kalamy will be in the front, and us four will spread out around," said Rossland. "What about Sereia?" I asked him. He grunts a little, "She's not going with us. She's to stay here so she doesn't get in the way," said Rossland. Kalamy and I gasp a little, "She wouldn't get in the way, she's a capable fighter and even helped us out in some fights. Why do you think she'd get in the way," I said? "She's a woman," he said, "women have no place in fights." "That's not right sir, I can fight just as well," said Sereia. "This is a man’s conversation so please keep attending to the food," said Rossland. I wanted to punch this guy hard, but Kalamy beats me to it by striking him with wind, "How dare you say that about her you worm," he said. Rossland shoots a rock at him and sends him flying, "Let’s all calm down," said Zero standing between them. I fire punch his head and he flies out the wall, "She's coming with us, she'll have a spot to help fight, and you’re going to apologize to her now," I said. "Don't do this Gargamal, we can work something out," said Zero. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 09, 2020 ⏰

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