Ch 7: Infiltration

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  The plan is simple, they takeout the lookouts, we get inside, grab the chief, and then we head back. Then why do I have a bad feeling about this? "Raork, we need to have a backup plan incase things go bad," I told him. "We can't afford to let things get bad. One wrong move and our chief will be killed, failure isn't an option." "It's better to be prepared for that situation than be caught by surprise. Maybe if you elves used your earth element-" but was cut off by him. "We don't use our powers for combat, it's used for peaceful living with the world around us. It's against our way to use our gifts for violence." "Then you will have a greater chance at failing. I know it's your way, but it could be used to help others when needed. You'd be doing good and helping bring peace," I tell him. "A discussion for later, for now, go find your friends. It's time to go." Roark tells the second group to head out ahead of them and to stay in the trees, but don't engage until we arrive and they take off. I start to look for Sereia and Kalamy near the center of the village to get them ready. Eventually, I find them near the chief’s hut talking to the other warriors coming with us. "Hey everyone, Raork said we're heading out. Get your gear and let's go." As the group is walking out, I put my arm out to Kalamy and Sereia to stop them. "Listen, we're going to be the only ones on outside using our powers. They don't believe in using them for violence, so we need to make sure that if they need assistance, we give it to them. Also to make sure they aren't in our crossfire," I tell them. "That's stupid, if they aren't going to use their earth then they need to stay out of our way. Don't have time to babysit grownups."

   "Don't be mean Kal, we have to help them in any way we can." "I didn't sign-up for this. I didn't even want to help them, you guys jumped in and decided to do this and I got dragged along. Without pay might I remind you Gargamal, and now I have to watch out for them. This is stupid." "Your free to stay if that's too tough for you. Otherwise, shut your mouth and let's get going," I tell him. I start walking off to join the others, Sereia follows right after me, and Kalamy takes a moment and then decides to follow with a sigh. He fast walks to me, "I told you Gargamal, don't be acting like our boss." "Then be a better person and lookout for more than just you and your sister. Maybe then you'll understand why I act like this." I keep walking without even looking at him with a blank expression on my face. I've got better people to take my anger out on than him, those people won't know what hit them. It's not too far a walk from the village, the map says it's north of the village. About halfway there, Roark tells us to stay quiet and walk slower to keep our movement noise low. It sucks moving slow, I want to hurry up and get there so I can break some bones, perhaps I like fighting too much.

   I know we're almost there because a scout jumped down to us suddenly to report what's been going on. "Enemies are still in the trees, we spotted at least ten look outs all around the area, but there may be more hidden. What's the plan?" said the scout. "Lets us get a little bit closer and then I'll signal you to attack. Don't move until you hear the signal." The elf nodded and climbed back up into the trees. "Are you guys ready?" Raork asked. We all nod and proceed forward slowly. As we get closer, we all keep our eyes out in case we get spotted by the lookouts. Raork gives the signal by imitating a bird call, then the second team sends another bird call to let him know they heard it. In quick succession, we see several people fall right out of the trees all around the area and hit the ground. A few survived but were able to pick off any that fell, it ended in a very short time. We all walk to where we believe the entrance was, according to the information we got from the prisoners. "Are you sure they told the truth? How do we know it isn't a trap?" said Kalamy. "Kind of late to be telling us that now. At this point, we don't have much of a choice." He walks up to the spot and we all tense up in case it is a trap. "Revelum." The area infront of him becomes distorted and changes slowly into a big cave opening that's taller than us and decends downwards into the ground. "Quite the spell, wonder why no one uses it on themselves? Would make sneaking in better," I asked. "Doesn't work on anything living. Only inanimate objects like rocks or trees. It's been tried anyways and it's always failed," Raork said.

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