Ch 8: Goliath

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I've never seen energy, it looks beautiful. It's a white color mixed with a blueish outline. I've heard stories about it, energy itself is the perfect harmonious combination of all known elements. Those with that power are said to be able to do tremendous things with incredible power. Yet, this unassuming, I think he said Dijnn, holds such power and he couldn't break out with it? "Watch out!" I yelled. In an instant, all six of the vampires lunge at him from various positions while throwing slashes of darkness towards him. He dodges about three slashes and sends a wall of energy, which demolishes the dark attacks quickly. The vampires then expel a fog of darkness to quickly envelop the hallway with their element, making it hard to see your own hand in front of you. I try to light my fire but I still feel very weak from those leeches, so I keep my hands on my neck and prepare to defend in case they come at me. Zero must of had the same thought because he found his way to me and stood by my side. "You okay Gargamal?" he asked. "Yeah, still to weak to fight. I hope Sereia can heal me." He stood their looking around in all directions for the next attack, which came in several strikes to his back. He turns around and shoots energy on that direction, but hits nothing and gets slashed in the back again several times.

Whenever he counterattacks, his back and body takes several bites, scratches, and slashes. 'He needs to find another way to attack or he'll be in worst shape than me. What is he doing?' After the last wave of attacks, he falls onto his knees from letting himself take such brutal damage. I look at him and see him form a smirk on his face. "I've got it," he said. He stands up and grows two balls of energy, swings his right arm and launches the ball right into a vampire. I know it hit because I heard screams and hissing coming from the direction he threw it. Part of the fog started to dissipate, but it wasn't enough to completely get rid of it. He starts to throw energy balls in various different directions and most of the attacks actually hit those leeches. 'I think I understood what he did. He let himself be attacked multiple times to be able to read the patterns of their attacks and predict where they'd be and attack those potential spots. He's smart, he knows how calculate quickly on the spot, even during the heat of battle. When this is all over, I want to battle him so I can test my might against him.' Eventually, the fog of darkness dissipates completely and reveals the vampires are in a weakened state.

"Let's finish this," he said. He unleashes beam after beam of energy at the vampires, sending them flying either down the hallway or into the nearby rooms. "They're down, but they won't stay that way forever. We need to go now," Zero said. "I would if potions would heal lack of blood like they do cuts and such. I can't believe you're an energy user, if you had that power, then why didn't you bust out of here before I came." "Energy works just like any other element, except it's not an element that's naturally powerful or easy to use. It takes years to be able to perfect it's use. Anyways, we need to get to your friends. Can you walk now?" he asks. I get up by feel off balance, "Still dizzy, but I'll manage. Let's go," I told him. 'Please be alive, please be alive,' I thought as we make our way back to the group. When we arrive, we see that Sereia, Kalamy, Raork, and four other elves are encased in a water bubble that Sereia is continuously holding to prevent them from getting in. "Sereia!" I yelled, the vampires turned their attention to me and Zero. "Damnit," I said, a few vampires lunge at us and Zero blast them away from us. With the vampires distracted, Sereia takes her bubble, makes it bigger, and uses it to encase all the vampires near them. I walk towards them, "Sereia, are you guys okay?" "Yeah, just been holding this bubble for a while, and now have to hold a bigger one for them." "You you can't drown a vampire right?" said Zero. "Really?" said Sereia. "Yeah, they're basically undead and can only die a few ways, drowning isn't one though," said Zero. "Well you better find a way to take them out soon, not sure I can hold it any longer."

"Everyone, circle around it and get ready. We're gonna take them down," said Zero. I start going with them and Zero stops me, "You sure you're okay to fight?" "Please, I'm not gonna let this slow me down." I don't feel completely better, in fact I feel like crap, but I can't stay down and let others do the work for me. It's cowardly and I refuse to let that happen too many times. We all get in a circle and take a fighter stance, "Drop them," said Zero. Sereia let her arms go and the bubble pops and drops the vampires onto the ground. Some landed on their feet, some landed on their backs, stomach, or sides. I counted about six vampires to our eight fighters, this should be easy. We jump straight into battle and take out four of the six vampires. Two went after the elves and killed atleast two of them by ripping their throats out with their jaws, leaving the last two soldiers to kill them as the last two vampires were distracted. "It's sad we lost more lives than necessary," I said. "It was a necessary sacrifice, I figured we'd lose almost all of us during this," said Raork. "You should have planned better than. You basically sent your team to be slaughtered and that's horrible to do," I told him. "You can't always expect no one to be spared. Someone's always bound to die." "So what about the men from my squad, you just let them die helping you without any help for them?" "What do you mean? I haven't seen them since we split up earlier."

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