Chapter 1:My First Day of High School

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Its autumn and breeze blew thru my hair as I walked to school. Today was my first day of high school. I was attending Sheepshead Bay High School. I'm a very shy and nervous person. As I walked towards the school door, my body started to shake; I was so scared. Suddenly, I gained confidence in myself and opened the door. When I walked into the school, I started shaking again. I didn't know anyone. I walked to the main office, got my class schedule and my locker combination. On my way to first period, the basketball players were coming down the hall. There were 6 players, 1 in the front and the other 5 were walking in the back, talking to one another. As they kept coming down the hall, I heard girls say among themselves, "That's David, the star basketball player, and the HOTTIE that everyone, in school, has a crush on. He goes out with Brittany, the cheerleader's captain." As I looked at David, I felt like there was a huge connection between us already. I knew that he was hiding something deep inside. He was just normal guy. As David and his friends walked past me, I smiled at him. Before David could even react, Brittany saw me smiling at him and she kissed him. Then she looked at me like I did something to her. It was like she was trying to say, "He's mine, so stay away from him." It was my first day and I already had an enemy. As they kept walking down the hall, David turned around and smiled back. Just then I started to smile and blush inside, as I turned to walk to first period.

My first class was English. As my teacher, Ms. Brown was introducing herself and explaining the rules of her class, I was totally zoned out. I was thinking about Brittany and how rude she was. I was also thinking about the way David smiled at me like I was just a normal person, that wasn't falling all over him and who wanted to go out with him. All of sudden I heard the bell ring. Class was over and I didn't hear anything Ms. Brown had said. As I walked into the hall, a girl stopped me and said,

"You're a freshmen right?"

"Yes I am."

"Figured you'd be"


"Because of the way you zoned out in class."

"How did you......"

"I saw you frown and then smile. Also every freshmen from last year, well the girls, zoned out in class when they saw David."

"Oh wow, so then you do know......but that's not the only reason why I zoned out."

"What's the other reason?"

"I zoned out because I smiled at him, not thinking that he was going to smile back, but he did. I thought he wasn't going to smile back because he was too popular and he knew I was a freshman."

"Wow that's what's your name?"

"Natalie......What's yours?"

"Kendrah....I'm in the 10th grade."

"So did you know David, personally?"

"Sort of, we were good friends back then but when he started to go out with Brittany, we just stopped talking."

"Oh, I'm sorry to hear that."

"It's ok......Wait why did you want to know?"

"No reason at all......"

"No there has to be a reason."

"Ok fine, I asked you because I wanted to know if he was just a regular guy like us deep down inside....and because I felt and something in the way he smiled at me."

" did he smile at you?"

"He smiled at me like we have been friends for long time, and someone that he can just talk to. Instead of his friends talking to him about girls or his girl-friend that keeps on kissing him, and telling him to do this or do that and go here. It's like he just wanted someone to hear him out on what he wants to say."

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