Friends With Benefits pt 5

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     "Look Hobi I'm sorry ok i-
"Save it Yoongi in not in the mood right now ok I'm just gonna sleep so don't bother me." Hoseok said harshly.Yoongi let out a hard sigh and watched Hoseok drift into sleep.
"How am I supposed to make it up to him I really am sorry Andi do love him but he seems pretty mad at me right now." Yoongi thought in his head." I don't know what to do I hope he's not to mad at me because I really do love him a lot I need to make him not be mad at me anymore but i don't know how. Wait! I think I have an idea."

The Next Day...

    Hoseok slowly opened his eyes. "I gotta pee." He said in a low quiet tone. He looked to his left to grab the stand where the water that was being injected in him was and he saw Yoongi sleeping peacefully like a baby cat. "I can't believe this asshole actually stayed here." After he came back from the bathroom room he saw that Yoongi had no pillow or blanket so he grabbed a pillow and an extra blanket and lifted his head to place the pillow below his head and then he slowly placed the blanket on him giving him a light peck on his head.
    Hoseok stayed there for a little bit just staring at him. He got butterflies in his stomach just by looking at him. He then thought back to yesterday and how Yoongi said he loved him. "Is it true you love me Yoongi?" He whispered to Yoongi. He then suddenly felt Yoongi's lips on his. Yoongi broke the kiss a few seconds later and hugged Hoseok tightly.
"Of course I love you baby I love you more than anything in this world." Yoongi said to Hoseok. That put a smile on Hoseok's face and it also made him tear up a little bit.
     There was a moment of silence until Yoongi spoke. "Why did you do this to yourself Hobi? Why?"
"I-i didn't know what else to do..."
"You could've just talked to me about it."
"No...I couldn't. You were to busy with other girls that I didn't think you cared about me anymore."
"Hobi no matter what I will always care about you I love you with all my heart and nobody can change that." Hoseok slowly let out tears fall from his eyes and onto Yoongi's shirt. "Don't cry Hobi it's ok." Yoongi said while giving Hoseok a peck on his lips. I know you're probably still mad but-" Yoongi then felt Hoseok's lips on his and he immediately kissed back.they kissed for a good 5 to 7 minutes.
      They then broke the kiss and Hoseok made his way back to the hospital bed. Then the doctor came in. "Well I got good news for you mister Hoseok, you can now go home. But you have to have someone living with you for atleast 1 month."
"O-ok but I don't have-"
Yoongi shut Hoseok up by giving him a peck on the lips. This made Hoseok's cheeks pink.
"I'll stay with him doctor." Yoongi said smiling innocently.
      "Ok just make sure he's eating properly and he's getting all the rest he needs." The doctor said with a smile. With that Yoongi started to pack all their things while Hoseok changed out of the hospital gown. After Yoongi finished packing all their things Hoseok was still changing because he had to untie a few knots. As he took off the gown he turned around to grab his clothes and found Yoongi gazing at him.
"What?" Hoseok asked.
"Why are you changing in front of me what if I can't handle myself." Yoongi said with a smirk.
"Shut up Yoongi." Hoseok said with his cheeks getting a light tinted shade of pink. After Hoseok finished changing they went to the car.
     1 month later...

      "F-fuck go-go h-hardrer." Hoseok said and Yoongi obeyed. They  both came together and Yoongi then threw a blanket over them and hugged Hoseok tightly by the waist. "Jeez I'm tired." Hoseok said while breathing heavily and facing his back to Yoongi just to tease him.
"Hey why're you facing your back towards meeeeee?" Yoongi whined. Hoseok just ignored him and pretended to sleep.
"Hey~ I'm talking to you" Yoongi said with a little pout. Hoseok turned to face Yoongi only to see him pouting with his arms crossed.
"Aww I'm sorry baby I was just kidding." Hoseok said with a chuckle. "I'll face you now come on let's go to sleep."
"No now I don't wanna sleep with you." Yoongi said getting up and grabbed his pajamas.
"Aww baby come back." Hoseok said getting up and walking towards Yoongi. Yoongi just threw Hoseok his hoodie and his sweatpants and his boxers. Hoseok quickly put them on and ran to Yoongi who had no shirt on. Hoseok walked to the kitchen and there was Yoongi getting a snack and walking to the couch. "Baby don't sleep there come with me." Hoseok said and walked over to Yoongi. Yoongi just ignored him and tucked himself under his pillow. Then Hoseok picked Yoongi and his snacks up and carried them to the bedroom. He then put Yoongi next to him and cuddled and Yoongi did the same and then Hobi whispered in Yoongi's ear. "I love you." And Yoongi didn't say it back and just hugged him. "Hey why didn't you say it back?" Hoseok complained. Yoongi just smiled and said "I love you too Hobi" He gave him a peck and then cuddled the rest of the night.

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