Father and Son Reunited

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"—no more funny games, no more making a fool out of me and my friends. The best part is that by the time anyone realizes you're missing, the train will be long gone," Connell's voice echoed off of the various objects in the vast room. He had released Scorpius from his ropes, wanting to look him in the eye as he killed him. "But first, I think we ought to have a little fun... Crucio!" But the spell had no effect, since as he cried the word, his wand flew from his grasp and into Draco's hand.

"Dad!" Scorpius shouted. "What, how—?" But Draco only had eyes for Connell. Blood rushed to his head in anger, he wanted to hurt the boy, destroy him.

"That's my son. You were going to torture him, were you?" he jeered, trying to keep his voice steady. "Well, how about I give you a taste of your own medicine." But as he moved his wand to perform the cruciatus curse, his son yelled out.

"NO! Please, dad, don't!" Shocked, Draco turned his attention to his son, seeing him for the first time in over a year. "It's just— I don't want you to turn into Lucius. I know you mean well, but he used that spell, and you're better than that. Please, dad, prove to me that you're better than your father." Draco was silent for a moment, fighting his urge to hurt the boy that tried to hurt his son.

"But he was going to use that spell on you. You don't deserve that—"

"Torturing him instead doesn't make it right. Trust me, I hate him too, and he probably deserves it... but I don't want to see my own dad hurt someone. Even if it is him."

"You know, Scorpius, you always were wise beyond your years. This just proves it." He stunned Connell incase he tried to do anything else, then rushed forward to embrace his son. Tears were streaming down his face before he realized he was crying.


Scorpius sobbed into his father's shoulder. It felt so good to be held by him, he had waited so long to see him again... "Dad?"

"Yes, Scorpius?" Draco was overwhelmed with relief, shaking because he had thought minutes ago that he would never his son again, and crying out of joy because he was wrong.

"I love you so much. I need you to know that."

"I love you too, son. I'm never going to leave you again."

"But, Dad, won't you have to go back to your camp?" Scorpius inquired.

"Well... yes, I suppose I will. And I'll probably be gone for a lot longer, now that I left without permission to come here." Guilt overwhelmed Draco in that moment, and he wished he could do his life over. He felt that he had messed up too bad to possibly repair all the damage. "I'm so sorry, Scorpius. I'm some father, to have left you for over a year and with a man I knew was bad, who I knew might hurt you..."

"Dad, don't." Fresh tears were falling down Scorpius's face. "I hate when you do this, you're a great person and an even better father. Some things are out of your control, and you have to accept that. I still love you, and you couldn't ever do anything to change that." He paused, then added, "it hurts me to see that you hate yourself so much." Draco just stared at his son, overwhelmed with love for him and awed at his brilliant understanding of people and how they feel. He supposed maybe he did an alright job as a father after all.

"Okay. I promise I'll work on that." Scorpius broke into a huge smile and rushed forward to hug his dad once more, an action which was reciprocated wholeheartedly. After a moment, they broke apart, and Scorpius pointed out that they should probably find his friends. He didn't want anyone to worry any more than they already had. With that, father and son left the Room of Requirement, passing Connell's still unconscious body on the ground without paying him a thought. They were finally together again, and nothing else mattered.

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