Chapter 2

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Evelyn's POV


My eyes flew open.


That is where I had to go.

"How the hell am I going to get there?" I said out loud. I closed my eyes so I could concentrate.

Theed is south from the old village. It is a good thing I ran south.

I calculated in my head how long it would take to get there on foot. After a minute or so, I guessed it would probably take about 2 hours.

Not too bad.

I ate a half portion, still having plenty left because I was the only one eating it. I thought about the children and Kamie again, trying not to cry. Surprisingly, I was successful. I had a long drink of water and then counted my rations.


I hoped that whoever I asked for a ride would not ask for too much. I did not know how much I would need for the rest of the journey. I figured I would be okay, though. I often felt satisfied eating only a half portion. I got up and wiped the dirt off me and quickly checked the wound on my forearm. Luckily, I did not get any dirt in it as I slept, an infection was the last thing I needed. I stretched and then crouched down, putting all my stuff back in my pack.

I continued heading south. I spent the first half hour running, and then I walked for the next half hour. I did that a second time, and finally arrived in Theed. By then, sweat was pouring down my face. I walked through the town. It was busy, and I had to weave around a lot of people. It slowed me down a little, which made me huff in annoyance. I needed to get to Jakku. I knew it would take at least a few hours to get there. I hoped I could find a pilot who is either on their way there already, or willing to stop there on the way. I figured the best place to start was a bar, a busy one. I was sure I would be able to find someone in there who would take me where I needed to go.

I walked slowly through the room, my eyes roaming over the various people in the room. Some eyed me with curiosity, some suspicion, and some were checking me out. Typical for a bar. I rolled my eyes, but otherwise ignored them all. I decided to ask the owner if she could help me out. I walked over to her, giving her a small smile. She was petite with skin the same shade of the sky here in Naboo during the day, and her eyes were a bright purple.

"Hey." I sat down, looking at her. "Any idea if there are any pilots around here who would be willing to help me out? I will pay them. I can even pay you a little bit." I shrugged, giving her another smile.

She nodded her head towards a man in the corner of the room, "Vihney will probably do it, for the right price." giving me a shy smile, an excited look in her eyes appearing when I mentioned I was willing to pay her. "Thanks, hope you have a good night." I gave her another smile and passed her 2 full portions. Her mouth hung open for a moment, probably surprised that I was willing to give her 2 portions just for giving me a bit of information. Then she grinned at me before putting them away. I gave her a little wink and then turned to walk over to the man she pointed me to.

Vihney was chugging the last of his drink as I sat myself down across from him. He put his cup down, raising an eyebrow in suspicion.

"Hey. Who are you?"

"Evelyn. You're Vihney, right?" I smiled at him.

He nodded, crossing his arms. Who told you?"

"The cute girl at the bar."

He chuckled, "Ah. Rae'lyn has a hard time not giving in when she thinks someone is cute."

I smirked, "Well, I guess it's a good thing she thinks I'm cute, then." I placed a finger on my chin, "Although, it probably did help that I was willing to pay her just for information."

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