Chapter 5

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Note: The second half of this chapter happens at the same time as the second half of the previous, so much of it is the same, just not from Kylo Ren's POV.

Evelyn's POV

"You know you want to."

I was surrounded by darkness, leaning back in a chair. My hands weren't bound and rested on my lap, one leg crossed over top of the other.

Kylo Ren appeared suddenly, walking slowly to where I sat, a dark smile on his face. He circled my chair, his hands running along my shoulder, across my back and along the other shoulder. His touch sent shivers down my spine. He stopped in front of me and leaned close, whispering in my ear.

"Come on, Evelyn. Join me. If you do, you will become so powerful. You will be able to keep the ones you love safe." His breath tickled my ear.

All of a sudden, we were in a large bedroom. The walls were a blood red, and the floors as dark as the void. In the corner sat a large bed, it was the same shade of black as the floor and was outlined by a red that was a few shades darker than the walls.

Kylo pushed me on to the bed, his brown eyes staring into my eyes. He leaned close, our chests touching. He wasn't wearing a shirt, and still had that dark smile on his face.

His hands brushed my waist, moving up until they reached my hair. He ran his fingers through it, and I couldn't stop a soft sigh from leaving my lips.

He gently brushed his lips on my neck, surprising me as he lightly nipped my neck.

"Just give in." He whispered against my neck, his breath tickling me.

"Do it. Be with me."

I wanted to give in so bad.
In more ways than one.

I reached up and ran my hands through his dark curls.

Suddenly, he was holding me up against the wall, his eyes boring into mine. His hands roamed down my body and then back up before he laced his fingers with mine.

This was torture.
I just wanted to feel his lips against mine.

As if he could read my thoughts, he slowly leaned close, pressing his entire body against mine before brushing his lips against mine. My heart was pounding so loudly, I was certain he could hear it and for a moment I stopped breathing before a soft moan escaped from my lips.

"Embrace the shadows." He said, smiling against my lips.

I couldn't take it anymore. I slipped a hand out of his grip and held it out, pushing him on to the bed using the force.

I walked over to the bed and crawled on top of him. Then I grabbed the sides of his face, preventing him from pulling away.

That's when I kissed him.

He grabbed a fist full of my hair and used his other hand to grab my waist, pulling me closer to him as we kissed.

My body was on fire.

I don't know how long we had been kissing, but eventually we had to break free to catch our breath.

"Say you will join me. Say it." He whispered, stroking my cheek softly as he stared into my eyes.

"I will join you." I replied.


Kylo disappeared, and when he spoke next, his voice sounded like it was coming from far away.

All the light in the room disappeared. My name echoed in my ears, growing louder until it became just a ringing.


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⏰ Last updated: Aug 01, 2020 ⏰

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