Chapter 3

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Evelyn's POV


I opened my eyes and lifted my head slowly. The room was entirely black, the only light was bright and artificial, and was pointed straight at me. It was slightly blinding, and I had to close my eyes again for a few minutes.

While my eyes were closed, I did my best to meditate. After a few minutes of focusing on my breathing, I opened my eyes. There was a presence that I had not sensed when I first woke up. A darkness like none I had never felt before, it seemed to be radiating around the entire room.

My eyes roamed until they found the source, a figure who practically blended in with the rest of the room.

Kylo Ren stepped closer, and my nose wrinkled in disgust.

"So," he started, the mask making him sound robotic.

"A Jedi survived the attack on Luke's Temple." He snarled, "Did anyone else survive?" He demanded, moving closer to me.

I raised my chin, staring at him evenly.

Even if no one survived, I would never tell him. Obviously, he knows that Luke is still alive, since Kylo's looking for the map to him.

"No." I replied.

"A bit of a shame," he said, and I raised an eyebrow, "It would have been fun to hunt down a bunch of Jedi. But I suppose I can settle for Luke, and you." He paused for a moment, as if mulling something over.

He got down to my level and stared at me, his expression unreadable. He ran his fingers across my neck, stopping where the necklace Ben had given me was resting. He took one of his gloves off and grabbed my necklace, almost gently.

I wanted to smack his hand away so badly, the restraints were the only things stopping me. He stared at my necklace for a long minute before letting it fall back down.

"The person who gave you that was a fool. He was weak for caring about you. For caring about any of the people in his life." He said evenly. Anger bubbled up inside of me and I pulled at the restraints, "You don't know anything about him!" I replied coldly, "And you were there the night Luke's Temple burned. I saw you." I looked away and closed my eyes, gritting my teeth.

Ren stood up suddenly, turning away. The hissing sound of his helmet being removed echoed throughout the dark room. I did not open my eyes or look at him. I did not care what he looked like.

He was probably some ugly old man.

"Look at me." Kylo Ren said. Based on his voice, I could tell he was a man. I continued to ignore him, even though his voice stirred something in me. It sounded strangely familiar.

"I said," He growled, grabbing my chin, and turning it towards him roughly, "Look at me."

I hesitated for a moment before slowly opening my eyes to look at the man who was called Kylo Ren.

He was younger than I had thought. His hair was thick, wavy, and black. It fell a little bit past his chin. I was surprised that he did not have helmet head. His dark brown eyes bore into mine, but in the dark room they looked almost black. There was no light in his eyes.

I had seen those eyes before.

My heart stopped, my blood ran cold and my breath caught in my throat as I stared at the man in front of me.

It could not be...

"Ben." I whispered as I struggled to hold back tears. I had assumed that he was dead, just like everyone else.

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