Chapter 4

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Kylo Ren's POV

Once I was back in my room, I took my helmet off, throwing it at the wall as I swore loudly.

Evelyn survived.

And she still wears her necklace.

Why would she keep it?

Why do I care?

"I don't." I said out loud, although my eyes drifted over to the end table, where mine was buried.

I walked to the table, opening the drawer and reached my hand in, it was laying at the very back, bunched up in a ball. I pulled it out and untangled the chain, looking at it carefully, I left the drawer open.


My room disappeared, and suddenly I was a teenager again, sitting beside Evelyn on the grass. She stared up at the sky, leaning back with her hands stretched behind her to keep herself upright. I stared at her.The wind gently blew her raven hair in her face, tickling her. She giggled, and then noticed me staring at her.

She looked over at me with wide green eyes, her pink lips turning up into a smile as she raised an eyebrow,"What are you staring at, weirdo?" She teased.

"I- uh, just thought there was a bee flying around you, but I don't see it anymore." I lied, reaching into my pocket to grab the gift I got her, while at the same time trying to hide the redness that appeared on my face.

I hope she didn't see me blush.

I pulled out the necklace and looked at her.It was silver, it had a triskele in the middle which was surrounded by knot-work. She saw it and grinned, her eyes lighting up.

"Oh my god. It's amazing! What's the occasion?" She teased, bumping her shoulder against mine.I shrugged, smiling at her.

"Do I need to have a reason to give my best friend a gift?"

She rolled her eyes, grabbing her hair with one hand she looked at me,

"Would you mind helping me put it on?" I shook my head and unclasped the necklace, holding it in front of her while she held up her hair I placed it around her neck.

She let her hair fall back down as she turned to face me. The smile that appeared on her face made butterflies start fluttering around in my stomach.

"Thank you, Ben." She pulled me into a tight hug and I held her close, her arms wrapped around my neck and mine around her waist. She buried her face in my neck and as she did, some of her hair tickled my face.

I blushed again, and was relieved that she wouldn't be able to see.

Once we pulled away, I reached into my pocket once again and pulled out an identical one. "I have one just like it." I grinned at her.

"That is kind of cheesy, but also pretty cool." She laughed, "Do you want help putting yours on?"

"Sure, here." I unclasped mine, handed it to Evelyn and then turned around. Her fingers brushed my neck as she put it on, leaving goosebumps.

We laid on the grass side-by-side, looking up at the clouds. We had not had the chance to relax in a little while, so I decided I was going to make the most of it.


Back in my room, I growled in annoyance and threw the necklace back in the drawer, slamming it shut. I tried to ignore the small tug at my heart that started when Evelyn broke down in front of me. I had wanted so badly to comfort her, but I could not. I had to focus.

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