chapter τρία

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The best revenge is
To break a person's mind than his. heart
Oh honey! I don't break heart
I destroy souls.--♥


Black semi heels clicking on the white cement floor of this big white house where purity holds the light of justice and darkness exposes it's cruelty. Confessions and prayer of sins and deeds tainted every wall of this house. A statue whose hands are binded and eyes blinded but he let us see the path of our maze, jesus. Alyssa walked through the alley corridor situated between the benches that leads the path straight in front of HIM. She kneeled in front of him, hands came together and eyes closed to pray for something she does everytime she come here, not for forgiveness no wishes only for success. Success of Vicious words that were still kept as a vow. The priest came in front of her ,placing his hand on her head as blessings.
"What you came to say this time dear?"
"The same thing I say to him every time."
"Dear,jesus is kind that's why people come here to confess,he solves every problem and he gives a path to see every light of justice and purity. Hope what you have asked for, jesus will listen to you."
"Thanks you father, I hope he listen to me."
"He will, don't lose hope."
She gave a simple nod to him and stood up to exit the church. White knee length dress flows through her figure with white laces enclosed around her hands and her heels take her to the next destination she goes after.
Dead leaves brushing the path of the way. Wherever she see is the same scenery, a cross stands in front of every white boundaries. But what makes her curious is the reason behind everyperson laid under them. Finally she reaches where not only a person lies but her grief,love and the old her was also buried.
"How are you doing Mom?"
She waits for a moment hoping the person under the grave would response to her quivering voice but that never happens.
"Mom finally you can rest in peace. They will suffer mom and I will fulfill my promise to you. Your daughter will burn them in the same agony you felt."
Her expression couldn't be deciphered as her eyes felt the same rage she felt years ago although it never died.

She was going back with her red astro flashing the beauty she has. Suddenly a call vibrated through her car indicating her to see that someone missed her and it was none other than Sene. She pressed the button on her steering wheel to pick it up. Sene spoke. "Alyssa? "
"Yeah speaking".
"Got a good news for you".
"What ?the oldie died?".Alyssa playfully mocked.
"No. It's about Mr. Duke. He agreed to your Deal and informed us for a meeting."
"Huh! Who wants a meeting! I have matters to attend. Tell him I'll tell my plan later but for now he can take care of himself". Alyssa mockingly said meant to provoke him.

Sene understood her tone. "Okay catch up with you later" Alyssa cut the call. Alyssa was not a raw player to believe someone especially her enemy so easily and she should let Mr. Duke know that if he try to poke his finger in her game then the consequences for him will not be good.
"Finally it's time for some fun!"

'FUN? she has having fun?are you fucking kidding me?' he yelled at the loudest voice and the staff of the varen house shivered at their owner's shouting voice. the most interesting thing probably would be that the one to get yelled at was his lovely wife Lily. that same SECOND wife he adored so much to not care for anyone else, not even his daughter and his LATE wife. The walls of this house saw all the secret ,lies that made the present of them. That created this Hell for everyone. 'I didn't knew she was going to cause rucks here.' just after her mother Rebecca also stomped saying ' she was also threatening me!'

Mr.Varen's rage just grew up more hearing them. he was literally fuming thinking once the little creature he used to crush is vulnerably now trying to fight back! this drama has been going on for years now and he also found the source of power she was getting from but on thing he just couldn't understand that how all of this happened?He also hired some spies faking them to get her info's but every time each just came back with nothing but their dead bodies.What the heck happened that changed her to a complete different person in span of a few years.

What the heck happened that changed her to a complete different person in span of a few years

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#JR, the third chapter is finally out guys so make sure comment and vote. Stay tune to read it.

To be continued..

Vicious Revenge (mid 2020)Where stories live. Discover now