Chapter 1: The Funeral

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Tony had died... to save everyone, Carol didn't know him very well but she knew he was a good man, Fury had mentioned him a couple times and she did briefly meet him during the battle. He had a kid, a wife... a family, and he sacrificed all that for us.

She thought.

Most people were outside during the funeral but Carol stayed inside, still paying her respects to the hero.

I should've been the one to snap... not him.

Her mind raced with different scenarios of how they could've won. He was human, she had powers, again she thought. I should've snapped... the thought wouldn't leave her head, she felt guilty that a man who had things to live for would sacrifice himself instead of someone like her, who had nothing to lose.

"Carol!" a loud voice brought her away from her thoughts and back to reality.

"Carol, how are you my friend?" Thor said, obviously drunk and hurting inside.

"I'm... uh, I'm good I guess" she looked at him. "You look... different" she said, trying not to make it too obvious that she was talking about him being so... overweight.

"Ah, yes I have changed quite a bit" he chuckled.

Carol awkwardly took a sip of her drink as Thor stood there thinking.



"Are you gay?" he blurted out, making Carol almost spit out her drink.

She looked at him in shock. "I um.. I-" she sighed at her loss for words. "Yes."

she said cautiously, wondering why he would ask.

"Oh, ok." he smiled.

"Why do you ask?..."

"No reason" he said, walking off leaving an extremely confused Carol.

  She woke up the next morning in her hotel room, it was small but she didn't need anything big and fancy, she was probably going to leave soon anyways and continue her life the way she always has...

Exploring the galaxies, saving planets, and being alone, sometimes she would visit Fury if she had the chance but it was usually a quick visit; she never stayed long because she didn't want to get too attached since she always has to leave.

She sighed and got out of bed, after waking up she made her way to the small kitchen and made herself some toast. When she was done breakfast she got dressed and made her way down to the avengers headquarters.

AN: I hope you liked the first chapter! feel free to comment share etc :) trying to add some funny parts too lol!

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