Chapter 2: The Meeting

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Carol walked into headquarters, everyone was scrambled either chatting, working, and of course talking about the loss.

She spotted Thor from across the room and headed over to him, when she got closer she realized he was talking to someone. She had long brown hair that gracefully draped over her shoulders, her skin was a warm chocolate brown, contrasting perfectly with her rosy pink lips, she wore a black turtleneck and simple blue jeans.

Carol realized she was staring and awkwardly looked down as she walked over to the pair. Thor quickly noticed Carol and of course, had to make a big deal out of it.

"Carol! The other strongest avenger is here everyone!" Carol laughed.

"Yep, that's me," she said as Thor glanced back and forth between the two women.

"Carol, this is my friend, Valkyrie." he looked at her then at Valkyrie "and Valkyrie, this is Carol."

"Nice to meet you, Carol" the brunette smiled and extended her hand.

The blonde shook her hand and smiled back. "Nice to meet you too, Valkyrie"

Valkyrie got lost in Carol's eyes for a moment, the more she stared into her light brown eyes the more she noticed things. Like how there was a sunny hint of yellow with a green rim around the brown.

When she realized she was staring she awkwardly looked away noticing that Thor was watching them from the corner of her eye.

Thor smiled and broke the silence. "Sooo, Valkyrie... are you free on saturday?"

"Yeah." she awkwardly smiled back.

He looked at the blonde. "What about you Carol?"

"Yeah, I'm free," she replied.

Thor looked at them both with a grin across his face, "good, cause I'm not. Have fun!" Then he ran off giggling like a little girl.

They both looked at each other in shock of what just happened, awkwardly looking down after a bit. "I'm sorry... he's uh- weird..." Valkyrie scratched the back of her neck awkwardly.

"It's ok...but uh- well um, I mean.." carol looked down for a moment, when she looked back up there was something different in her eye's, instead of being shy and awkward she was confident.

"What I'm trying to say is, we both have nothing to do on saturday... if you want we could go for dinner?"

Valkyrie smirked and raised an eyebrow. "See you saturday" then she walked off leaving the blonde smiling to herself.

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