Chapter 3: The Date

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And on that day, for the first time in a long time, Valkyrie woke up with a smile on her face. When she was on sakaar every morning she woke up and dreaded what was to come, most likely finding new scrappers, serving the grandmaster, and getting REALLY drunk.

But today was gonna be good, she had a date with a beautiful warrior from space who looks like an angel. After getting dressed Valkyrie braided her hair and put on a little bit of makeup.

Once she was done she grabbed her bag and met Carol at the park. 

  Carol was waiting for her date at the park, it was a perfect day for a picnic. 

The sun was shining, the grass was green, and the breeze was perfect. She was sitting on a bench in the corner of the park with her share of food and a blanket, they both agreed to bring food but Carol took on the role of bringing the blanket.

Like usual, Carol got lost in her thoughts… she just sat there thinking, maybe even overthinking. She was nervous, she hadn’t had a date in years; the last time she had a date was 1989, when she was in the air force.

Carol was lost in her thoughts until a familiar voice brought her out of them. 

“Hey” said Valkyrie, a smile on her face.

The blonde smiled back. “Hey, you're here.”  

She raised an eyebrow questioning her. “Did you think I wouldn't show?”

Carol felt the blush creeping up on her, she scratched the back of her neck shyly. 

“I- um.. I mean… kinda.” 

Valkyrie laughed and sat next to her. “I always keep a promise.”

After some chatting they set up the picnic and got to know each other, laughing together and eating together.  

“So… is your real name Valkyrie?” Carol questioned.


“So your parents named you valkyrie?”


“So what’s your real name then?” she asked again.

Valkyrie sighed. “My real name… it’s Brunnhilde, I was part of an elite group of warriors, we called ourselves the Valkyries.” The warrior looked down. 

“We were an all female group of warriors, we worked for Odin and protected Asgard, his daughter Hela… she became the goddess of death and started a war. 

She killed all of us, or at least she thought she did… but my- my.. Girlfriend saved me… After that, I left Asgard. Then after a while I ended up on a planet called Sakaar, I worked for the ruler, he called himself the Grandmaster. 

I became his bounty hunter, Scrapper 142. I planned to work for the Grandmaster, and drink ‘til I died… until Thor found me. 

Now I call myself Valkyrie, in honour of my fellow warriors.” 

Carol was in shock… Valkyrie had been through so much, yet she still was so strong. 

She felt bad for her, she lost so much.. Even though Carol hadn't been through anything close to that she still felt her pain.

“I’m sorry…” she didn’t know what else to say.

“It’s fine, plus Valkyries much easier to remember than Brunnhilde.” she chuckled, trying to lighten the mood. “I told you about myself, now it’s your turn”

“Well…” she started. “I had a family, before I got my powers.. I didn’t get along with my parents though, back then everyone thought of females as the weak ones, I wanted to do things like sports and join the airforce. But those were things only men could do. 

I did have an older brother though, we got along… Eventually after lots of rejection I finally joined the airforce. When I saw there I met a fellow pilot, my best friend… Maria Rambeau. Since I didn’t have much connection with my family I became a part of her’s, I helped her raise her daughter Monica.”

Carol smiled at the memories. 

We always had to be there early to get any of the important jobs, we also met someone named Wendy Lawson, she was my mentor. 

Long story short, she was actually kree and I went on a mission with her. There was an accident and the power source, which we now know as the tesseract; Infected me, giving me powers in the process. I was taken by the kree, and lost my memories… Everyone thought I was dead, the kree were the bad guys, I became captain marvel, bla bla bla… then I dedicated my time to saving planets…”

“Wow.” Valkyrie said.

The blonde chuckled. “You asked, I answered.” 

The brunette smiled back “we both have some pretty crazy pasts”

“Yep.” After that, they talked more and really got to know each other, then... the date ended.

  “I should probably be heading back to shield for the night.” it was getting late, even though Carol really enjoyed spending time with Valkyrie she knew she should get going soon.

“You know… you could stay in new asgard”

“You must really like me huh, already asking me to move in?” She giggled.

Valkyrie rolled her eyes. “What I meant is there's probably an empty house or an extra room somewhere. It must be hard to get sleep at shield anyways.”

Carol smiled. “Thanks for the offer but I’ll pass” 

The brunette smiled back. “Thanks for the date, see you tomorrow.” she started walking away before she was surprisingly interrupted. 

“Wait, can I at least walk you home?” The blonde offered as she picked up the blanket.

“Old fashioned are we?” She gave her a smirk.

Carol rolled her eyes “says the like, 4000 year old asgardian goddess”

The brunette giggled and let the blonde walk her home.

AN: sorry this chapters long but I had so much to write xD

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