bro time =)

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As I wrapped the strangely placed marks, he kept on giggling profusely and saying its "bro time" when I told him to stay still. but what can ya do to stop the 'US of A'? But, his happy and strongwilled nature is nice. Sometimes. He's like... how do I put it... a sheep. That never gets noticed.

except by wolves..

Ive made it my job now to help him with his bullied issue. Ive seen it all, and ive only helped once or twice. Why? Hes the only friend I have, and it gets annoying as,,, hell sometimes. The giggling and fussing while im paying attention is horrible. "Dude why are ya staring off into space like that?" Oh. "prosti. Im done." I noticed a small scratch on his face. Wasn't anything big, but I wanted to annoy him anyways. I swiped it with a piece of cotton and put a band aid. Then jokingly kissed his forehead and looked at my finished work. "Dude that's gay." he laughed. I scoffed, cleaned up and grabbed my stuff to leave. "Wait dude im sorry! I didn't-" I looked back at him confused. "You arent annoyed?" "No, I am just making my departure, da?" He ohhhh'ed, and waved goodbye "thanks dude! Have a good rest of your night. Also you dont have to use the window." We both heard a shuffling downstairs and looked at each other in fear. "Maybe you do." He said. I stifled a chuckle and hopped out with a smile on my face.

[Back to Alfred pov]

I wish he could take me with him. Arthur isnt the nicest but I always stay with mattie. I picked up my phone to call him. Maybe he's having fun at his fancy-pants private highschool right now. Maybe he's doing his own stuff... yeah. I should stop bothering him.  I put my phone back down and peeked out the door. "Arthur?" I heard weird noises. fuCK FUCK FUCK HE BROUGHT FRANCIS Im leaving- I snagged my phone, texted matthew to not come home and probably stay at my dude gilberts. I jumoed out the window, obviously not thinking of the fact that IM ON THE SECOND FLOOR and saw russia pacing around. "Dude, I thought you left?" He looked up and had a poker face. "Nyet, I was wondering when you would jump out. Maybe we can have those,,, sleepovers people mention here." I immediately smiled and nodded viciously. "Lemme get my stuff, ill be back. Theres a ladder over here..." I picked it up and climbed to my window. I gathered a couple stuff and my bag then tumbled back down because ladders are useless. It hurt a lot. "I hope you heal soon despite your stupidity, da?" He laughed and held out a hand to help me up. I took it and chuckled nervously. "I apoligize, you are very intelligent. No one acknowledges it though. Follow me." He walked off and I went to catch up to him.

This is gonna be funnnnn!!


Bro time 😎

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