Chapter 4

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A badge worn by many with a glossy finish from the cheapest materials made.
Put on display as a favorable aesthetic, hoping to blind the viewer from the beholder's insecurity.
Pride is the justification for fathers slashing out dreams of the youth to even throwing the same children under the bus.

Or rather in this instance

Against a wall.

Durian's body shuddered upon impact as he cradled to his side, blood dripping from his thin lips.

Cadbury flinched which was of course an extremely rare sight for such a well trained butler in the field of training he underwent before being accepted to work for the Wolfdstraats which was to emphasize how much empathy could be drained from the young boy.

The trials of this training specifically designed to break the weak and make the strong cry.

To test the ability an individual could slowly lose any attachment to victims emotionally and surely the ability to shed empathy like a cheap dollar store coat was a skill to be learnt at an expense of course of never being able to indulge humanly in pathetic moments of serenity.

"You are a disgrace Boy."

The voice echoed loudly against the  concrete harshly grazed office walls, bouncing through an empty house, one screaming for solitude.

"Once again with the pet names Pops.."

Durian snarkly replied as he wiped the corner of his bloodied mouth with sleeve as he slipped a hand into his tailored pants pulling out a handkerchief which he spat the remaimder of blood out onto.

Durian locked gaze with the furious orbs of his father, Elijah. The man fuming as evident from the bulging veins on his forehead to balled up fists.

"No need to flatter me Pops"

"Durian Van Wolfdstraat"

The voice was shrill yet deep, an octave lowered as Durian's heart sank and his fight or flight mode was activated by the storming man towards him, heading faster than a speeding coal train in hurry to the next stop.

Durian's heel turned swiftly as an attempt to dodge the wrath of the elder man however his escape plan foiled once his hand was twisted behind his back and he was shoved once more against the wall.
Elijah leaning his body weight as to trap and crush him against the sharp peaks of paint as it slid agaisnt Durian's cheek.

"Check your tone boy when addressing me. I am your father. Your father I will remain for the rest of your pitiful existence. I made you. You listen to me."

Fear flushed through Durian as his knees felt weak and his body trembled. Tears jolted to his eyes as triggered from painful memories associated with the single phrase.

He was weak.

Durian held his breath as he spoke.

"U-Understood Sir"

His voice was shaky as Elijah only barked louder in response.

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