Chapter 6

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The night was cold, a chilling breeze to pierce the heart of the mighty. The moon dangled from the spider web constructed by the burning orbs terrorizing the dullen sky.

A pair of crimson red lace curtains dancing in the breeze from an open wound breathing air into the the heartless mansion, Durian sat upon the window sill with a look of mystery as if coding the stars, Once again the moonlight truly knew how to seduce the best features of him from his chiseled jaw to threatening chest, the serenity of a troubled man. He took a breath, tasting mint in his mouth, most likely projected from the forests that spread around the horizon. Durian recalled memories as a young, splattering his white frilly lace socks in the violating dump mad, his overalls ripped at its seams from groping tree branches and tangling with Grey.

A fist pressed against the wood, cautiously, yet 2 consecutive thuds heard as Durian wilted out a come in, distracted from his own words as his eyes darted from star to star which was quite the painful notion for teary blue eyes carrying bags. Cadbury emerged as gracefully as expected, his footsteps stepping into the wood as if it was fabric, echoing not a sound at all, but a melodic tip tap as he approached the back faced towards him. Durian sighed softly as he felt the breeze licks his healing wounds, left open to grasp air as Cadburys eyes lingered worriedly, scolding himself of its importance to cover up a wound and prevent infection.

There was a faint ticking in the room erupted from the towering grandfather clock, a pure antique, collecting dust in one corner of the room. As evident as Cadburys presence was from his looming shadow, Durians eyes remained stubborn until Cadbury politely cleared his throat and the alluring silence shattered like glass to the floor. Durian chuckled deeply as he let out a raspy groan, having sound like he awoke not seconds ago.

“A minute and 3 seconds late, and to think audacity kisses your feet to mutter your presence through such a gesture”

Durian swiftly arose, sauntering towards the now startled butler, having not expected a reaction to words.

“It seems audacity is the lips I grace so frequently in such present times, including events of today”

A breath hitched as the clock’s handle teased the interval of 2 minutes past devilish hours. Durian towered over the nerve wrecking butler, the distance from toe to toe shorter than anticipated as durians eyes darted across Cadburys form suggestively, a smirk fighting its passage.

“I’m sure the kisses of bravery are sweet ...”

Cadbury gasped softly as he felt an audacious tug of his collar and his head bobbed forward, tugged by none other than the raven, Durian’s tone grew raspier by the second as if begging to be quenched.

“But the tongue of a wolf is proven to be delicious”

Cadbury’s face flushed as his eyes darted to the floor then back to durian in a wide doe pose as he smiled.

“I’m not familiar to the cuisine”

Durian chuckled once again, holding his tongue to his cheek which put to perfect display the subtle canines he hosted before jerking Cadbury back by the collar, the butler nearly losing footing but stumbling into a solid stand.

“What impression hold you from my enquiry of your grace at such an hour, my dear Cadbury?”

“I hold none; I see this calling as the usual night warming service you’ve requested before. My Lord Durian”

Cadbury teased as Durian scoffed and seized hold over one of the butler’s delicate wrists , placing Cadbury’s hand underneath his shirt as the butlers eyes widened and looked up to Durian, his gloved hand frozen with nerves.

“M-Master, to be so confrontational-“

“A man who is not confrontational is a philosopher my dear Cadbury, and if one is a philosopher he overthinks the utter delicacy of such hungers to indulge in and who am I to waste a meal?”

Durian guided Cadbury’s hand further up his shirt as he grabbed the butler by his petite rounded waist and hoisted them closer together as Cadbury quietly squeaked before holding his other gloved hand to his mouth in embarrassment. To be in such a riveting position as to have your master brush up against you so sensually with luring linguistic was nothing new yet caught the poor silver haired fool off guard every time it happened, but what Cadbury didn’t expect was to find an indent across durians chest to his right as Cadbury froze.

“Master, what is-“

Before the rest of the words of that sentence could even be spoken to existence, durian clasped the white fabric of his white shirt, brushing across his black suspenders before hoisting a powerful pull, popping the expensive buttons and creasing the shirt into a tear down as durian’s chest was on full display, once again the pale skin glistening by the alluded moonlight projection.

Cadbury’s eyes sunk while his face was of course flushed and his heart dropped to the wrenching sight, his gloved hand hovering over the ravens right pec, right across a huge fleshed in scar, along with numerous others scattered across his body almost as frequently as strands of black hair collecting around his chest to forearms.

“These scars Cadbury, they grace your sight I presume?”

Durians voice sounded slightly hesitant yet mascaraed behind a falsely confident overtone, as if the raven has to improvise what was once his slick speech.

“M-master of course, all wounds I’ve never cleansed which have aged, what are these cruel engravings gauged into the pristine flesh of my master Wolfaardt?”

Cadbury’s eyes dispelled a sense of disturbance as both his hands freely roamed across Durians body, tracing over the indents, scars and marks, he truly felt a failure in his duties in a peculiar way. His unhinged breathing in sync with the lingering finger movement to glistening eyes , Cadbury didn’t anticipate a chuckling durian, but not in a comical sense but embodying a darker octave in sound and delivery.

“Let this be a reminder, my dear servant. Possessing another scar on my body makes no difference to the collection I already host every day, that every one of these markings not coated with flesh and cell but coated with a story of pain and anguish to sexual pleasure, of my lust as a man to be hurt in every way possible of proving my masculine attributes. These scars feed me resentment ever single fucking day I dart my eyes over their unique punctures to placements-“

Cadbury felt an aggressive hand wrap around his throat as durian neared their faces, Cadburys delicate hands clenching to durians fisted knuckles as durian glared fiercely into his wide doe eyes.

“So never again, for the millimetre or strand of a second, feel the need to infect me with piteous displays of sympathy or catering to, if ever I get shot, it was my decision to hold the bullet and to undermine such a decision reminds me how sometimes I need to bring you to your knees and remind you who the master is in this fucking relationship.”

Cadbury gasped for air as he silently whimpered out a yes before he was thrown back at such a force the butler lost his balance and shattered the mirror of durians dresser on impact with shards of glass piercing through Cadbury’s shirt and cutting into his fine porcelain skin as Cadbury whinced and looked to the ground, his long strands of hair falling in his view, acting as a theatre curtain and hiding behind it, tears that fell to the ground.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 04, 2020 ⏰

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