Chapter 42 - Noah

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The drive back to Cedar Falls was excruciating and even though I knew Lena wouldn't pick up her phone, I kept calling as I drove. I didn't know when she'd be back exactly but, I needed to be there when she did. If Azrael dared show his face, I'd be ready.

Listening to my brothers was harder than I thought and all I wanted to do was go straight to the Elms and find Lena myself. I was, however, thankful that between the three of us and Finn's enchantress, Tessa, I found a few last ditch options to keep in my back pocket as far as Azrael was concerned.

As I broke a hundred miles per hour on the interstate back to Lena's house, I told myself not to do anything rash until I had all of the information. I trusted Lena and if she went with Azrael willingly, something happened. She was rational and clever. If Azrael got her to go with him, it was for a reason. I just had to hold out a little longer to find out what that reason was.

I wouldn't put anything past Azrael and I'd witnessed first hand how manipulative he could be. I had to have faith that Lena could hold her own. If I took no other pleasure in watching Azrael pine after my girlfriend, at least I knew she was safe because he felt some way for her. I hated to admit it but, that very infatuation would keep her in his good graces.

Looking down at the dashboard of my Mustang, it was after two in the morning. The surge of adrenaline coursing through my body as I drove was indescribable. I couldn't wait to at least get to her place and stretch my legs. I didn't care if I spent the rest of the morning patrolling her front yard, I would wait as long as it took.

As I neared Lena's house and the lone porch light amongst the surrounding darkness, I saw motion at her front door. Turning off my headlights immediately, I crept up her driveway and prepared to get out and apprehend whomever the fuck that was.

Turning off my car, I realized that Lena's truck was in her driveway.

The club.

When Lena left with Azrael Friday night, her truck was left in the club's parking lot. Jacob was already suspicious that Lena left her shift prematurely so he definitely noticed her truck there after closing. I figured that Lena also didn't show up for her shift Saturday night, either.


Sure enough, the other car parked in front of Lena's truck was Jacob's old beater. Expecting to find Dorian and Jacob there to add the cherry on top of my night, I realized it was only Jacob sitting on the porch step.

Jacob was up instantly but his disappointment turned to anger when he saw that I was alone.

"Jacob..." I started but he didn't give me the chance.

"—where the fuck is she?" He barked at me, closing the gap between us hastily.

"Let me explain!" I put my hands up because I wasn't in the mood to have to hurt him if he came at me. I was more then poised to.

"She left Friday, no explanation," Jacob continued towards me as I backed up out of courtesy, "every call goes to voicemail, she doesn't return my texts. She doesn't show up for work? That's not like her. She always calls. What did you do?"


As appalled as I was at the accusations Jacob was slinging at me, his anger was not entirely misguided. I was the one that came into Lena's life and was too selfish to leave her behind. If I had just kept going, her life would have remained simple. I ruined her. I ruined everything. Because of me, Azrael was a part of her life and she would never know normal again.

"Look, we had a fight and she took off to clear her head." I lied, trying to figure out what Jacob might buy at that point. "She took off on me. I was hoping she'd be back already."

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