Chapter 5

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Toya POV

Ugh! I forgot how much Rashid can piss me off. But I have to admit he was right about my involvement in Shad's behavior change. I knew what he would have to go through and deal with after my decision. I don't regret giving them all their lives back but I do regret leaving Shad and Malik to defend for themselves. "You okay?" Jaheem looked concerned. Who'd think I'd be best friends with my technical kidnapper?

"Yeah," I said. My back was killing me right now. I have been waiting for hours for this medicine. "Can you go see where the nurse or whoever is with my medicine? I can't take this pain no more."

"Yeah okay." He got up and went to check. I lied back and tried breathing through this pain. This hospital bed is so damn uncomfortable and doesn't help with the pain at all. Jaheem came back in with a nurse tailing behind him. She passed me two pills and some water. She checked some things before leaving. "Better?"

"Yeah," I said. "So you're seriously staying down here until I feel better? I don't mine you going back home. I'm sure your people are missing you."

"Yeah I'm sure. You need someone to help you out."

"My brother would do it. So would Britt."

"You want me to go?" I honestly didn't. Yeah I have everyone that I loved and missed back in my life but I wasn't ready to let go of Jaheem. There was something about him that I couldn't face losing right now. He's the only one who knows everything I went through and I'm not ready to talk about it all.

"No," I finally said. "But if you want to see your family I'm not going to stop you."

"I'll visit them. Just not yet." He was quiet for a minute. "I need to tell you something okay?"

"You have a love child?" I raised an eyebrow.

He sucked his teeth. "No crazy. When I go back home I have to take over the family business."

"That's good right?"

"You don't understand. My dad's a Kingpin. My older brother was supposed to be next but he died so my dad had to continue running it. I'm the last kid they got and my dad's gettin up there. I won't be able to visit that often."

"Oh." No wonder he hasn't left or won't leave for a while. "If you were supposed to be next in line for it how'd you work for my dad?"

"He didn't know who I was so it didn't faze him in bringing me on. It was the only way I could get my brother's killer. But listen, I'm not saying I won't come back. I'll visit, just not often."

"It's going to be weird. We've been around each other all the time for four years. You're literally the only person I can talk to about what happened."

"Don't be afraid to talk to your friends. They really care about you."

"Words of the wise," I yawned. Damn this medicine kick in fast as hell. The excrutiating pain was now practically non-existant. I slid over in bed. "Come on, I need something soft." He did as I asked and lied down next to me. In no time at all I was out like a light.

Jaheem POV

Toya stayed in the hospital for a few days before being released. She had to work her back out and wear a brace and take some pain medicine. I set her up in this big ass three bedroom apartment. Her brothers and Britt are always stopping by and checking on her. Sometimes they spend the night.

It's been almost two months and her back is almost better. She still makes me do damn near everything for her but I don't complain, all the time. Now she can walk by herself, bend better and all. I turned my phone on and now I gotta get in contact with my boy Amir.

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