Chapter 11

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I heard the door open and before I knew it, I was pulled to my feet and pulled into the shadows. Once I was let go, I looked around and discovered myself in the void.

"Why you?"

I nearly leaped to my feet at the sound of his voice

"Why does he care so much about you? He hasn't even known you for more than a few weeks."

I squinted my eyes, attempting to look through the shadows and see where he was. The last thing I wanted being him sneaking up on me, so I kept my guard up

"No, he couldn't have developed feeling for you that quickly, no that's not humanly possible," He said from the darkness "He must know you from somewhere."

I felt sudden dizziness come over me before I found myself sitting in front of a table, Dark standing across from me.

"So let's talk." He said as he picked up a wine glass "Face to face."

I shifted in my chair as he sat down "Why would I tell you anything?" I said, "You kidnapped me-"

"So you admit it, you do know something." He set the wine glass down before his dark eyes gazed into my dark green ones "So tell me, what do you know?"

I glared at him "I ask again, why would I tell you anything?" I said

"Oh, I believe you'll find it in your best interest to cooperate." His eyes darkened to a black which caused me to catch my breath 

Despite my gut telling me to not say anything. However, I didn't want to find out what he had in store in case I didn't cooperate. 

I sighed and nodded defeatedly "Fine." I said

His eyes faded back to their original darkened brown state as he smiled sadistically at me 

"Then let's begin."

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 23, 2020 ⏰

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