Chapter 2. A haunting effect

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Stepping out the hiking shop felt different, even though I'd been in there before many a time, I just feel a chill follow me, I clutched onto my new backpack tight and started walking to my car, as I was just about to reach the door I head someone call my name, I shoot out of my skin closing my eyes and taking a sort of sign of relief mixed in with a bit of aggravation, I turn my body to see my flat neighbor Mr. Ross, divorced father of two but suprising never said hello until now, must've read my name on the address list to know it.

He walks over to me shaking my hand with a firm grip,
"hey you must be Anthony, I see you outside the flat alot, didn't know you hiked, what's that for?"
Weirdly a bit nosey but I answer anyway just telling him it's for a hike with my friends into the woods near town, as I raise my arm to point where it was his expression fell, at first he looked contently happy but now there was just fear in his eyes
"Be careful son.. those woods.. people have gone in and never come out again, you don't wanna set foot on that dirt"
He quickly stepped back to his car and got in driving away at a speed just above average.

There I stood, struck with disbelief at what happened, immediately I drove back to my flat and got in, again holding my bag tight like some kind of stress toy, leaning back against my now locked door. What. Just. Happened. I closed my eyes to think and process what was just said to me by Mr. Ross... Why did he say that.

For hours I sat with a feeling in my stomach, a churning, haunting fear that something was gonna happen soon. I can't let my nerves get hold of me. "maybe the boys know Ross and told him to mess with me, maybe it was a joke, there can't be anything wrong with those woods". There isn't, so I pack my things and get my clothes out and ready for tomorrow's journey.

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