Chapter 3. Friendly Flashback

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"Just finished unpacking!" I shouted to my mom who was on my kitchen counter via facetime on my phone, I wandered back in and stood in frame for her to smile and wave

"Wow these cameras are really good ant!" She exclaimed wearing her glasses and really looking at the phone lense, well the wrong one. Yep. Nose first into the camera she goes. Anywho I chuckled and nodded
"Yeah it is, anyway I'm gonna go and walk off the stress of this moving in business, I'll call you later and check in on you and dad, ok love ya bye!"
I hung up smiling to myself after that ordeal, walking out my door I look over to the place opposite mine, seeing a man stare at me through the curtains and children's laughter heard, I shiver walking a bit faster as I hear the door unlock behind me, I find myself at the park looking around as it's filled with parents and kids, all different and unique in appearance. A random guy my age walks up to me,

"Hey man, can you help me out? I'm looking for a scrawny kid, used to fit in lockers well, I had to pull him out."

I look up to find my old high school best friend Jay, we lost contact due to his dad leaving and his mom blaming anyone but herself or Jay, but it was great to see him again, taller and older but still it was like I saw him the other day! I hugged him tight and pushed him back laughing

"Oh come on Anthony, bit of a pull of leg never hurt no lad and definitely never hurts a lass anyway how you been?"

We spend what seems like hours catching up with each other since we lost contact, turns out he's an explorer now going on adventures around America, a long ways from England I guess, we walk more before coming across a group of teens beating down what looked a coloured young man so me and Jay run over and scare them away. Helping the man to his feet we see he's just older than us

"Thank you, I was walking and they cornered me completely out of nowhere. Started throwing insults and racist comments, beating me down. My name is Alex"

I looked at Alex with a smile and shook his hand introducing myself and Jay

"Nice to meet you both.. is.. is it possible I can join you guys for now, just incase they come back?"

"Of course mate, pleasure to have you join" Jay exclaimed with a nod and nudge, Alex smiled and joined us as we walked along, Alex told us about him being a teachers apprentice for science at the nearby school but since it was the holiday he had alot of time on his hands, he was happy with his job but there were some things wrong with it mainly racially from students. He's strong willed and pushes on, huge respect to him for that. We get to the middle of the park and exchange numbers agreeing to meet up in a few days for a drinking night. I headed home and this time there was static and news headlines coming from the apartment opposite I quickly rushed In after hearing a sharp bang hit the door. What a creep dude.. I look up who lives in the apartment building and it said his name was Benjamin's Ross, married, well was married and has two daughters.. what creepy dude

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