Sleeping with the Devil

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I snuck out of Negan's room when he finally drifted off to sleep and went to find the room he told me would be mine. It wasn't far from his and so didn't take long to find. When I got there I crawled into bed and fell straight to sleep.

"Morning sunshine." I look up rubbing my eyes. The harsh sunlight blinding me. 

Simon stands over me, a devilish grin on his face.

"What the fuck do you want?" I grunt through gritted teeth.

"Today you will be going out scavenging with Dwighty boy, so get your shit together and meet him down by the bikes in five." And with that he leaves, leaving the door open behind him just to piss me off.

Despite not caring about a damn thing Simon wants I get ready anyway and go down to see who "Dwighty boy" is.

When I get down to the bikes a man is stood with his back to me putting a bag into the trunk of the bike.


He turns around to face me.

When I see his face, half burnt off, I cant help but stare.

"Hey, I'm Dwight." He says bluntly noticing I'm staring at his face. He ignored me and turns back to the bike. "You'll have to ride on the back."

I draw my eyebrows and look around at all the other bikes.

"Cant I just ride one of those?" My question takes him aback and he turns back to me grinning.

"You know how to?"

I scoff and walk up to a Harley-Davidson sportster. "I'll have this one."

We gather together a couple more things and head out on our bikes.

After a half hour we get to a small town and Dwight pulls over. I pull over next to him and kick down the stand. Swinging my leg over I get off the bike and together we head over to the first house.

"So... you do this much?" My pathetic conversation starter makes him grin and roll his eyes.

"Meh, I do a lot. I'm one of Negans best guys I guess."

"Mhm." I push open the door to the first house, holding the knife Dwight had gotten for me tight in my hand.

"So where'd you come from?" He asks, going into the house ahead of me. 

"HEY ASSHOLES" I shout , making Dwight snap his head around to me and eye me as to say what the fuck are you doing?!  "just trying to draw them out." I shrug, answering his silent question.

He scoffs and turns back to the empty hallway.

After a couple of seconds of nothing I push ahead of him and make my way to the kitchen.

"You're gonna get us killed." He yells at me from another room.

"Nahhh... you maybe. But I'll be fine." I laugh as I put all that I can find into the bag and make my way into the room Dwight is in.

"You always this much of a dick?" he asks, his back to me as he bends down over the liquor cabinet. Filling his bag with gins and whiskeys.

"Pretty much." I laugh and he looks back at me smiling.

"Is all that really necessary?" I ask looking into his bag full of alcohol.

"Babe I have half a face. Sometimes I need a drink."

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