A Spark is All it Takes

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I told Negan I had to think about the proposal. At first he was angry but he understood and told me I could take as much time as I needed. A week or so of getting dirty looks from his wives passes and our relationship is growing more and more each day.

He hasn't slept with any of his wives since he proposed and I mean to keep it that way.

Some nights he has made me dinner and tried to play "happy families".

Monday he even made a picnic on the roof and got Dwight to bring up the jukebox from the cells so we could listen to a tape I'd managed to scavenge on one of mine and Dwights runs.

The soft, kind Negan growing on me the more I get to know him.

Me and Dwight have even become friends. He still calls me a dickhead from time to time because of my so called "recklessness" when we are out on runs. But I guess that's just one of those hurdles we'll have to get through.

My quiet afternoon of reading in my room is interrupted by a furious banging at the door.

"WHAT?!" I shout over the noise.

A worried Dwight bursts into the room and runs over to me, slamming the door shut behind him.

"Wha- calm down!"

"I don't know what to do, I-"

He looks over to the door, worried someone is listening.

"What? What's wrong?"

"I- I- you cant tell anyone. Emma promise me you wont tell anyone."

"I promise, Dwight just tell me." 

"Ok, ok," he calms himself down and lowers his voice. "So I went out hunting, alone. Further than normal, and I found a place. It's the ones that blew up those saviours from a couple of weeks ago."

"Oh my God Dwight you-" I was about to tell him to tell Negan but I know if he does they will almost certainly pay for what they did.

"I cant tell him Emma, they have kids, families. You know what Negan will do if he finds their community. He'll destroy them like he's done with the rest."

"I know, I know. Well then we just don't tell anyone."

"But I have to, Negan will know if I'm lying. Emma I cant be responsible for all those people when Negan finds them."

"Dwight," I reach out my hand and place it on his shoulder, lightly squeezing it. "Its going to be ok, you don't need to lie, just don't talk about it. Does anyone know where you went?"

He thinks for a second, "Only Simon, but I said I was going to practice with the crossbow, he doesn't know where."

"Ok. OK that's good."

He slightly nods his head yes and I pull him into a hug. He hugs me back and sighs into my neck, calming his shaking and slowing his heartrate.

When he's calm he thanks me and leaves.

A couple of hours later I get restless and head to Negans room.

When Negan looks up from his book and sees me, a smile spreads across his face.

"You miss me doll?"

He gestures for me to come over to him and I obey, walking round and standing behind him. Wrapping my arms around his neck and resting my head on his.

Suddenly Simon comes bursting through the door.

"One of the outposts has been taken down!"

Negan stands up and my arms fall down to my sides.

"What?" The fury builds up inside of him and grabs Lucille from where she was left lent against the wall.

"Someone went in and killed everyone-

Simons cut of by the slam of Lucille on the table, making me jump out of my skin.

"Some of our guys tracked them back to their community. A few miles North."

Shit. I know instantly its the people Dwight found and I turn around to look out the window.

"Well what are we waiting for then?" Negan grins and raises his hands, Lucille raised high in the air. "Lets go teach them a lesson."

Simon smirks and nods, heading down toward fetch everyone else.

Negan goes to follow but I jump in front of him.

"Negan. Please don't, they didn't know what they were doing! Who they were dealing with!"

"Well they're gonna." He tries to push past me but I step in his way.

"Give them another chance, they didn't mean for this to happen."

He sighs and looks down at me, the anger in his eyes burning bright.

"A spark is all it takes to make a fire babygirl. It's time they learnt that."

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⏰ Last updated: May 01, 2020 ⏰

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