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3rd person's P.O.V

It was 3 years since the fall of Gaia and life could'nt be better for the 7, 

they where goofing off, the Stolls where looking ;for the next unfortunate victim of their pranks, Thalia was off with the hunters roaming the forest, Leo was down in bunker nine coming up with the next explosive invention, Jason,hazel,and frank where back at camp Jupiter.

Percy was off on a quest from Athena for Annabeth's hand in marriage. 

Annabeth's  p.o.v

I was in the big house going through the pictures of my friends when Grover came in, by, his side was Juniper he asked " hey Beth whats up"," nothing" was my reply. he obviously wasn't buying it because he kept staring at me until i finally cracked " i just miss him" i said, he said "don't we all".  we kept strolling through the the big house looking at the pictures until we heard the conch horn sound. thinking it was a monster attack , we all ran out to access the situation, when we got there, i saw Percy on the ground looking confused and another boy stood holding riptide and said "i killed all those monsters while this guy did nothing" . 

Percy's p.o.v

i just came back after completing the quest from Athena to marry annabeth, i couldn't shake the feeling that something would go wrong along the way. on my way i saw a kid being chased by a pack of hell hounds, so me being me i took out riptide and charged foward. feeling the andrenalin of a battle was something i hadn't felt in a long time, anyway the hell hounds stopped chasing when they saw me and began to sway ( probably heard about the last hell hound i killed , he was delicious) so being the idiot i was i taunted them

" not having second thoughts are we", that seemed to do the trick as the first hound jumped at me , not wanting to waste time, i crouched and thrust riptide into it , 2 seconds later , it was a shower of dust , the remaining hounds began to reconsider their attack plan and all charged at once, ( so their trying to over power me eh) i thought, i heard the conch horn sound and knew everyone would be coming so i quickly dispatched them turning them into golden pixie dust

suddenly the kid just grabbed riptide from my hand and kicked me in the chest causing me to loose my balance and fall. i was still in shock from what had happened that i didn't register that the campers had gathered. I heard him say that he defeated all the monsters himself and of course the new campers believed him. i just let it slide not being one who enjoys fame.when we entered camp, a bolt of lightning appeared on his head then Chiron trotted up and said" all hail  Draco von krystal son of zeus " immediately all the campers bowed to him while i just stood there looking at him . when he saw  i wasn't bowing he said " i am the son of zeus as such you should bow to me,and who is your godly parent" he sneered, i shrugged and replied " Poseidon" then i left to go to my cabin but not be for noticing the cold glare he was giving me.

Percy Jackson(god of dragons)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang