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It had been 5 months since percy had vanished,my family had been divided,now, we had recieved a visit from the fates who told us that they had made 2 new gods, and that they would be coming today.

suddenly, there was a flash and when the light died down, there stood 2 beings who radiated so much power that i was afraid of them,suprisingly,they both looked at me in sync and nodded at me.

Destro's p.o.v

we stood there in the olympian council  knowing that we would regret this meeting, athena was trying to decipher who we were,apollo nodded at us slightly, and we responded with one of ours.

zeus then said"take of your hoods so we may see your faces",we both looked at each other and said"no",being the egotistical bas... he is,that was a blow to his pride a he flared up in anger and said"you would dare defy an olympian,we both ignored and turned to apollo,and just to annoy zeus, we bowed to apollo.

zeus reacted to this and said"why do you bow to apollo and not to me,the king of the gods",percy replied"simple,apollo's name starts with an A,yours is with a Z,and also apollo is a cool guy".i had to force myself to not smirk at zeus's face,Athena,wanting to know everything asked us for our names, i shrugged and said"my name is Delta pendragon,this is my brother Gamma pendragon".


Artemis then said"the fates told us you gods,so what are your respective domains", i said"we share the same domains,and they are,power,time dragons,creation,hunting,knowledge,loyalty,reality, destruction,life,sun,moon",we heard artemis mumble something about sharing her domains with boys,i was amusing tho see artemis sulk.

then zeus said"were you demigods at any point" we said"yes",then posiedon asked"who is your godly parent" we both looked at each other and said"you posiedon,you are". then chaos erupted.

Percy Jackson(god of dragons)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora