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when artemis suggested we remove our cloaks,we wee shocked,i then mined-messaged destro and asked him what we should do,he said"we've got nothing to lose so why not"we then took off our cloaks and introduced ourselves"i am destro Thiago gunderson,and i am persues achilles jackson"then all hades broke loose. posiedon was looking as if he wanted to hug us, but one quick glare from me stopped him in his tracks. 

Zeus boomed"you are too powerful to be let alone,you need to swear allegiance to olympus" we just looked at each other and started laughing,then we said "man i've not heard anything that funny since dragaunity aqua told dragaunity  flame he was stronger than he is" apollo then said"at least help us in the war against typhone,kronos and void" we only nodded.


i and my hunters were looking at percy and the person that was identified as his brother interact with the other olympians, i noticed that they spoke to only to the olympians that  voted to keep percy alive and zeus when he asked them a question. Before i could  speak to him , the room  was engulfed in darkness and and kronos spoke"i challenge the twin sky dragons to a duel to decide the outcome of this war, if they should win, i and void will fade but if we should win, the olympians will stepdown as rulers" then the presence left.

*time skip*

time of the duel

3rd person pov

percy and destro were squaring of against kronos and void,percy against kronos and destro against void. since their powers will clash with each other,so they decided to go blades. what they didn't know was that the boys wern't going to play fair.

when the duel started,the twins suddenly vanished, void and kronos werelooking for them only for their swords to appear through the hearts of kronos and void.

the two beings had a look of terror on their face before the effect of their deal activated and they faded to reveal damiro and percy with smirks on their faces.

Athena asked"didn't you say that you werent going to use your powers","yes,the powers we both shared, since i cant vapour travel,i teleported while percy here vapour travelled,so technically we didnt break our deal". 

zeus then shouted"victory to olympus!!",posiedon then said"i know i haven't been the best father,but i hope we can start again"."we'll see, you have a lot of catching up to do"was our reply."that i do" was posiedons reply.


Percy Jackson(god of dragons)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum