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I'm surrounded by flowers, roses, and anemones. The sight is breathtaking. Vines hanging from the ceiling and more circling pillars.

A statue of Venus in the center. Her pose was barely modest. A sheet draped over that fit her curves. An apple in her hand and some of the sheet in her other.

A figure is beside her, I can't tell who. I step closer, but soon my vision goes black.

My alarm goes off, interrupting my sleep. I have to go to work. I walk to the bathroom and do my usual routine. Brush my teeth, wash my face, and tame my hair. I go to my small closet and grab black pants and a black turtleneck.

I'm ready to leave when I notice the man's coat, I should give it back. I grab it and head out to the train station.

The pavement is still wet from last night. Memories of the events come to mind. Taehyung stayed in my mind all the way to the train, when it arrived, and when I stood to wait for my stop.

His violent voice echoed in my head. They kept switching from harsh to sweet. One second he's complimenting me and asking me about my day, the next he's throwing a fit.

The train stops and crowds of people step onto the cart. Then the man walks in, bag in hand and face mask on. He doesn't notice me at first, or rather, recognize me till he sees his coat.

He gives me a small smile. "Hey," I start, "this is your coat, remember." I reach it over then I look at his eyes. They're still as pretty. "You can keep it," he states and I would expect his tone to be bitter. I would expect him to look at the coat like it's garbage because I simply touched it, but no. It's almost like it was a gift.

His voice was as smooth as it was yesterday, and his gaze was still soft. Like looking at a kitten. "But, it's yours," I ask.

"You look good in it, so keep it," He replied. If I could, I would've melted right then and there. "O-Oh, ok," I look down and put it on. I can feel him looking at me. I feel small, but not in danger. Taehyung would make me feel weak. I don't feel that with this stranger. I want to see him more.

The train stops, only this time I see him walk off. His spot was empty for a second until people came walking in. Work in one more stop...another long day.

Venus ❀ knj, mygWhere stories live. Discover now