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Thunder and rain. All around me. it's all I can hear. Brown stairs and a white house. A chair on the porch and a chime hanging next to it. Taehyung's house.

I'm on the dirty ground, tears running down my face and his voice is clear. The rain is heavy but all I hear are his yells.

All the times he's called me useless, ugly, skinny, not even worth his time. They replay over and over. I cover my ears wishing it'll end. His voice grows louder, it's circling me. I can't escape it.

I cry for Namjoon, of course, he's not here. He won't save me. He won't love someone like me.


A phone appears next to me, there's a text "wake up." Huh?


I jolt up, I'm sweating. I hate nightmares. I look at who's calling me, 'Namjoon'. I pick up with a "hm?"

"Hey, sorry for calling so late. I just wanted to hear your voice," he told me. I answer with an "oh."

"..Actually, can I come over? I can't sleep," he says quietly. "Of course, I'll unlock the door so just come in." He replies with an "ok" before hanging up. I get up and unlock the door, he'll get here fast. We live really close after all.

My covers call to me and I get back into a comfy position. Namjoon's gonna sleepover! A few minutes later, I hear the door open and close. Then someone walks to my room. "Did you lock the door?" I say aloud. "Yea," he stands awkwardly, he's so cute. "Well, come here," he looks hesitant as he takes off his jacket.

The bed dips and I feel arms around me, "I missed you," He whispers. "We were together two days ago," I smile.

He doesn't reply, he just hugs me tighter and buries his head into my neck. My heart is racing and I never felt so loved. "Goodnight my little rose," he whispers. He was so quiet, I wouldn't have heard him if he wasn't so close.

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