Givin Up

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The engine roared and the sand kicked up behind them as she sat in the passenger seat, with Irwin at the wheel. They pull into some kind of old gas station under the awning. It was overgrown and covered with pink flowers. She hops out when Irwin stops, and she walks around the front of the vehicle.

"Here's your car, I fixed it up myself." Irwin says and she rolls her eyes, knowing he wouldn't credit her help as well. "Filled it up to the brim with top-shelf ethanol. Tires fulla air, The whole nine yards."

"Nice." Lollipop says and looks over the car.

"Your mugs' known around here, so make sure that drivers mask is on your face. Race starts at midnight. Go get em Slick."

"You got it baldy."

The woman hops into the car after Irwin speaks and she watches Lollipop speed off across the road to the rink.

"You really think she is gonna pull this off?" Emory asks, crossing her arms and glancing at the bald man.

"Damn I hope so."

She glances as a truck pulls up and she spots one acquaintance inside, along with a face she wasn't too familiar with. In the driver's seat was a highwayman with green tipped ends and elite highwaymen armor. She was a chapter in another state, but she didn't expect her to take a liking from her.

"Get the fuck in Rivet! We gotta dress Punk for the dinner!"

She glances at Irwin, "See ya Little Fucker."

She hops into the truck, glancing at Kiwi in the driver's seat then looking in the backseat to get a better look at this Punk girl. She had light brown hair and she held herself as if she some sort of weight on her shoulders.

"She is the one who replaced Master Zilon right?"

"Yep! Honestly I am surprised the twins even like her."

"Well if you can paint good, I imagine that's all it takes."

The truck races along the road, reaching the rink. They enter through a side door and walk along some lockers, the walls painted pink, white and blue.

The lockers were filled with different colored armor, but with rank, comes the color. Kiwi pulls out some white biker armor, handing them to Punk.

Emory herself had pink, as an Elite highwayman would dress. She wasn't sure what the Twins saw in Punk. She never saw the appeal, but maybe it was because they were similar in age. If she herself was any older, she wasn't sure if she could run around anymore. Maybe she preferred the elite lifestyle better.

"So how are you and Gunner? I've noticed you two getting closer." Kiwi says, watching Punk get dressed and smirking at her.

"We're good."

She notices the slight smile on Punk's face, and she felt the longing in her chest weigh her down. She knew Gunner, somewhat of an asshole of an elite but if they loved each other, to each their own.

If only she still had that young type of love now. She was almost convinced she would never feel it every again.

Music and barking dogs could be heard blaring outside the glowing Derby track, making it look like a piston in the night. Which was a bunch of metal brought together in a donut-shaped track. There was random shit put together to make it, making it look homemade and rustic but decorated with Master Zilon's bright paint. Across the tall boardwalk over the track in the middle of the ring was the tent, where the dinner would take place.

They walk along the boardwalk, spotting a few other highwaymen looking down at the vehicles at the starting line. There were trucks with machine guns, bikes, a tractor and there was Lollipop's car. She silently wished her luck.

Highwaymen hung around on the wall, or the bridge, ready for the entertainment that would be given to them. Down below, pink flares signaled the drivers to get ready.

Kiwi hands her a bottle and she glanced to see Gunner and a couple highwaymen come up to Punk, so she takes a large gulp of the alcohol.

"Damn Punk."

"She looks like a damned Punk alright." Gunner turned to the Highwayman beside him, shoving his drink into his chest.

"Get outta here Shovelhead."

"Nice outfit, Wanna hook me up with your talor?" Punk says, looking down at Gunner's armor.

"No thanks, she's all mine." He says, pulling her closer and staring at her face as if her new armor had nothing to do with her looks.

"Ya'll nasty, get the fuck outta here!" Kiwi comments and some rearing can be heard from the vehicles below. They walk over to the railing, looking down as some already start to drift into the track. She notices Mickey and Lou a little bit to her left, watching as well.

"Here's the thudfuck we've all been waiting for! Our champion motherfucking driver!" A voice from a microphone yells, turning everyone's attention to the track. "Anything goes on the track - just stay in the doughnut and be the last driver that can walk away! Keep your eyes peeled for the road flares when your gun goes dry. Now... 3...2...1! Drive Drive Drive!!"

Immediately, guns go off and the engines scream. A car already explodes in a fiery mushroom and the microphone yells again, "Haha! Obliterated!!!"

She watches as a tractor shred someone to pieces or a truck overturn and runs over an ATV. Soon dust and blood were flying and covering the track, but the guy in the microphone wasn't finished.

"Here it comes to clean the area! The Beef Bruiser!" Cheers explode through the arena, and so does the horn of a large eighteen-wheeler she herself painted, with a pointed front and a built-in mounted gun at the top.

She watches the monster of a vehicle push through the tractor and any other car out there. Except for one, Lollipop's, climbing out of her car and looking towards the Beef Bruiser which was coming straight towards them. The woman pulled out their pistol and suddenly jumped up onto the hood, taking out the driver and climbing up to the one at the mounted gun. She took their neck and broke it, kicking their body down. After climbing down, she blows up the monster truck, making the crowd go wild.

Emory shakes her head, sipping at her drink. That woman was for sure something else.

"We have a winner! This thudfuck right here is your champion!" Cheers echoed across the arena, fireworks went off and dust flew through the air.

The highwaymen drink and yell, all riled up from their entertainment. She feels Kiwi nudge her arm and she watch the green haired chapter head into the tarp tent.

"I am sure the twins wouldn't mind if you came in."

"Yeah sure, I am not as close to them as you and Punk are."

"Alright! Don't drink too much out here."

She watches Kiwi go inside the tarp, the metal door closing behind her along with Gunner and Punk. She shakes her head, sipping on her drink some more and she glances to see Lollipop walking across the boardwalk. She knew she was going to try and take out the twins, which she couldn't care less about. It was none of her business. Yet now, after she has given up on trying to find her lover. She had to distract herself.

"Nice one out there."

"Thanks, but... this is it." The woman glanced towards the tent and Emory nods.

"Good luck." She laughs, sipping at her drink some more as she watched Lollipop head into the tent.


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