Lost in Time

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She drifts her car as it stops, seeing the flames and smoke rise above the wooden village. She wasn't sure what the twins were on about, yes, the group uses bows and arrows to take out highwaymen outposts, but what could they have that the twins don't have?

She gets out, seeing Lollipop, who she now knew as Captain jumped high over to the destroyed bridge and straight through the open gate. She will never understand whatever drugs Cap is on...

"Send more reinforcements!" She hears over her radio, and she narrows her eyes towards the gates, rushing through the broken bridge and trudging through the water, keeping her rifle in her hands.

Walking into the wooden steak walls, some were knocked down, as more fire and smoke started to rise up. She ran along the path, spotting Mickey ontop of a roof with her sniper and she looked towards the main wooden building of the path. She spotted Lou and the captain, fire spreading all around them.

She watches as some kind of aura radiated from the captain. She watched the woman leap out of the chapel, going straight at Lou with just her fists, breaking her helmet in one hit, and sending her flying back.

She sighs, really not wanting to be a part of this, but she had already given up. Why not rise to more power with the twins. She spots some of the leather dressed freaks and she aim at them, before she felt an arrow pierce her shoulder. She grunts, taking some cover, pulling out the arrow and looking back to see the Captain jump onto the roof to Mickey.

Was she really going to kill them both?

She hears some more explosions around her, and she keeps on her guard. She turns to see a highwaymen run for her cover, but an arrow pierces their skull, sending them to the ground. She turns and spots another leather covered freak, but they had a mask. She stays behind cover, cursing at the wound in her shoulder. She peaks around the corner and aims her rifle at them, but she couldn't get any bullets in them as they moved fast through cover.

She spots a highwayman helicopter heading in and she turns to the roof, seeing the Captain shooting missiles at the flying machine.

As she was looking, she wasn't paying attention, and she felt an arrow pierce her arm. She gets up to try and move, but an explosion went off next to her. Her head thumps loudly and she heard ringing next to dull gunshots around her.

She looks around through the smoked and dusty area, seeing it knocked the masked freak down also. She tries to get up, but pain shoots through her leg. She eyed them as they got up to their knees, but that's when she noticed their mask. Some of it broke off, and then the rest of it fell off because of that.

Her eyes widened as the face in front of her was full of pain, scars covered their mouth, their eyes sunken and looking dead. The sight of him made chills poke against her skin. Her lover was right here in front of her, dressed in animal leather and fur. The gunshots and explosions around them muffled as she realized it really was him. He was alive.

"Love..." She whispers but she watches as he just stares at her until his face contorts into pain and sorrow. He immediately starts running out of the compound. "No... wait...!"

She struggles to get up, but a hand helped her up. The Captain.

"Rivet... I've got to go up north."

"Wait you..?"

"They're both dead." She says, spotting wounds, burns, and exhaustion written all over the female. "You may want to get out of here, more highwaymen may be coming after me."

She eyes the woman, seeming nonchalant like she didn't just finish a battle with the all-powerful twins. "Why are you going up north?"

"I need to go after somebody... he has some explaining to do."

She nods, taking a deep breath and leaning against a house.

"Cap... that masked guy..." She asks, not able to find the words that biled in her throat.

"You know him?"

Emory breathed heavily as she nodded, letting her emotions pool at her eyes. The Captain seemed to understand her look.

"There." Captain pulls out her map and points to an island on her map. "You might find him..."

She looked at the map then narrowed her eyes, looking back up at the woman. Captain then took back her map, watching her walk away, past the church, up north. So, she just leans against the burning house, feeling like she could just fall into the earth and never come out. The way he looked at her made pain grow in her chest. What happened to him? Why does he look like that?

She forces herself onto her feet and climbs onto an ATV the pain growing in her shoulder and her arm. The wind that whipped her hair around behind her as her heart that thumped wildly in her chest, running off adrenaline. She believed she reached the island and stopped, looking around at it. A green aura radiated from the island, but she walked on it anyway. The air burned her lungs and she dropped to the ground, her head starting to spin. She breathes it all in, and coughs erupt her throat, her gloved hands digging into the mud.

She hears a voice echo in her head,

"If you keep searching for something that you had long ago... you will be disappointed when you find it."

She scratched at the dirt, feeling like she had nothing else if she didn't do this. She felt empty, with no answers at a dead end. Her lover was alive, she needed to see them. She shakes her head, scratching at her throat as the toxins enter her system. Then the voice spoke again.

"As you wish..."

She could breathe a bit better suddenly, so she forced herself onto her feet, limping past broken down structures and, in the end, there was a closed bunker door. She opened it, the heavy cold metal chilling her skin as she struggled to get it open.

Low lighting glowed from inside as she pushes the door over. She slowly stepped down inside, eyeing all the papers, boxes, and other supplies. She walks as she limps slowly, seeing some written notes. She reads them, as she passes by. They were of Joseph's journal or his Word, the Seed family she saw on the tv before the bombs. She turns a corner again and then once again, and she is met with a room that could explain isolation and insanity in one picture.

The room's walls were covered with papers, markers counting days, and a male on his knees in the middle of the room. The low light made it difficult to see his face again. She leaned against the door frame, exhausted and in pain. Her eyes teared up as she looked at him. He was surrounded by pages that seemed to be ripped from a book. She could hear his voice, scratching and growling but it didn't sound like words. He covered his face as if his hands would replace his broken mask.

She stood there, staring at him as he then started to sob. She realizes then and there, that the one she had once known and loved... is lost in time.

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Lost in TimeTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang