Master Painter

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She wakes up in the back of a truck with two other Highwaymen 6 years later, driving to some big pink barn with a large eye on the door in another county. It looked like a place where a mechanic worked, but the art supplies made her think twice. Here there were also cars sticking out of the ground as well, all painted with the same theme, pink, yellow, and blue. It was similar to her own art so it always seemed to interest her eyes.

"Just because the twins called you an artist back east... doesn't mean you will be treated the same. Earn your place girl."

He had a red bandana over his mouth, no shirt, black shorts with one armored leg and shoes, his hair was in short spikes, and had bits of paint scattered across his body. After six years, she finally meets Master Zilon, and she thought he would be more interesting. He was just another Highwaymen who just happens to be good at graffiti.

He pulled her face up and eyed her, then pointed to a broken down car with no wheels. It was kind of rusted, but not all the way to where you could see the faded color of yellow. A masked female in armor dropped a basket of spray paint and brushes by the car.

"Anyway...Mickey and Lou like what you do, but I have to like it also. Get to work."

She stares at the car and then she feels one of them shoves her towards the car. She stumbles but catches herself, glancing back at all of them. She created art for Vince until the Twins shot him down. Saying that he was becoming too weak. So she started following the Twins, who started to move west. So she went with them.

"Watch her one of you." She hears as she looks through the basket of paints. No matter how many years she has worked as a painter, it's like she isn't respected because she doesn't fight. She just happened to be good with knives.

She sprays some paint on the car, completely winging it. So, she decided to make triangle shapes out of each color and use a brush to put some designs on it. She knew they had their eyes on her, so she didn't stop just in case they put a bullet in her head. Highwaymen were unpredictable, and she could be too, but she isn't like the rest of them. The sight of a gun made her want to retch. She wipes the back of her hand on her forehead and steps back.

"It's alluringly abstract." Master Zilon comments and that's all he says about it.

She is shown around the barn and there were several painted cars, supplies, and other car parts. She spotted a second floor but she guessed there were just supplies up there too. After several days she was told about Master Zilon's stash and how to get to it. He trained her about the mind and soul and how it related to art. He also showed her pain, but she tried not to remember those moments.

But right now, a few days after, she is painting a car that hangs downward with its nose to the dirt. It's definitely easier to paint cars hung up this way.

"Well... ain't it Miss Punk."

The male who found her, Gunner, was stationed here this week and it made her want to gauge her eyes out with a paint can opener. As she worked on a car outside with Master Zilon inside, she was alone with this douchebag. Over the years she only saw him a couple of times, and let's just say that puberty was really nice to him.

His arms have swollen larger, her height was at his shoulders and his eyes were deep with secrets she would probably never know about. He would not stop talking to her though, maybe it's because he was bored but why can't he just go away? Oh, and to make it worse he has a nickname for her. Punk. No one calls each other by their real names. Everyone had a nickname because they're bikers. Right?

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