Delicious cream puffs

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1. 1/2  cup of water
2. 4 Tbsp of butter and 2 Tbsp butter
3. 1/4 cup of flour
4. 2 eggs
5. Any type of ice cream of your choice

1.  Six or 12 cup muffin tin
2. Cooking spray
3. Medium sized pot
4. Liquid measuring cup
5. Measuring spoons
6. Rubber spatula
7. Measuring cups
8.  Large bowl
9. Whisk
10. Knife
11. Cutting board
12. Large spoon or an ice cream scooper

Step 1: preheat your oven to 400°F. Then grab your Muffin tin and grease it with your cooking spray.

Step 2: grab your small pot and add your half a cup of water , Your 4 tablespoons of butter, and your salt to your medium sized pot. He did over a medium high until it's melted and boiling

Step 3: add flour and stir with your spatula until it is thick and is pasty. Cook that for one minute mixing consistently until a smooth ball of dough forms. Then remove it from the stove and set it aside.

Step 4: next grab your large bowl and crack your 2eggs in it. Then throw away the shells and wash your hands. Whisk your Eggs until it's smooth. Then add your don't like mixture to the egg and mix vigorously with your which can tell it is Incorporated with the egg and it's smooth.

Step 5: then put the batter intosix different muffin cups filling each to about half way. Then bake for 30 minutes until puff and deep golden brown. Then cool it for 10 minutes in your refrigerator.

Step 6: then cut each muffin In half and put a scoop of your ice cream On to your muffins. Then put the other half of your muffin on the top. Then you're ready to eat your delicious cream puff muffin's.

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