B x Fell

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"Good night Fell! Good night B!"

"Yeah yeah. Good night Swap."

B was listening to the TV as Fell watched it. Dings, Stars, and Swap were heading to bed as these two watched a movie. Neither of them were tired so, no use trying to force themselves to sleep.

Fell felt his mind drifting away from the movie as B smiled at the movie's music. Fell leaned into the couch arm, using his scarf to cover near his eyesockets, as B started sensing a change in Fell's magic. Small memories floated in his mind as he felt his emotions drag down to a sorrow pit. His grip on the scarf tightened as he tried to stop thinking about those horrible memories.

B turned his head as Fell was trying not to cry. "Fell?" Fell snapped out of it, feeling some tears roll down his cheekbones, as B scooted closer to Fell. "Shi... My bad. My mind just slipped lff somewhere." Fell tried to explain as B rested his hand on Fell's shoulder.

"Its ok Fell." Fell perked at B kissing his cheekbone. The two were silent and still for a couple of minutes before Fell awkwardly coughed into his scarf. "Can... you do that again?" Fell muttered. B nodded and kissed his cheekbone again. Then again. Then another time. Then-


Fell slipped down, bringing B down with him, and gripped onto the couch so neitehr would fall. B's hands were firmly against both sides of Fell's skull as Fell's legs acted at a back rest for B. "S-Sorry." Fell mumbled, adjusting himself so he wouldn't slip. He was about to sit up when B gently pressed him down.

"No. You need to relax." Fell's face starved getting red as B leaned down. "Uh... B?" B kissed his forehead, cheek, and chim before moving down. Fell jolted as B moved his hand under the red faced skeleton's shirt.

"Just breathe and relax. You're in good hands."

"... Yes sir."

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