The Reality Of Every Fangirl

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I observe the faces of all my favorite people in the world, all sitting around me in my own living room. Some looked confused, others worried, or afraid, maybe angry, and one really didn't give two fucks.

I clear my throat to gather their attention, "You're all finally here, happy ship wars, and may the odds be ever in your favor." I say mimicking Effie Trinket, minus all the glitter.

"What are we doing here?" Tessa O'Connell asks fearfully.

I smile at her reassuringly. "You are here to compete for the title of 'WTF couple', aka Wattpad's Truly Favorite couple."

Some would think I'm a psycho for kidnapping all my favorite characters to make them compete for a stupid imaginary title that I just made up so I could marry the winner, and they'd probably be right.

No buts.

"Oh." Tessa Young is confused.

"Can you stop being stupid Tessa?" Harry complains, and before anyone could say or do anything, Cole Stone gets up and punches Harry's face, hard.

Cole looked really angry, not allowing Harry to realize what hit him, he straddles him on the floor and starts punching again.

"Who the hell do you think you are, calling my shortcake stupid you ugly little shit? Only I can bully her like that, you hear me?" He yells in his face.

I never thought making them fight could be that easy. A creepy grin splits my face as I sit back and pull out some popcorn from under my couch.

"Dude, what the fuck is going on?" Caleb Lockhart asks no one in particular and I drool.

"I have no idea, man." Sam Cahill answers. I never thought his real voice could be this sexy, my panties almost dropped to the floor.

"Are you fucking crazy?" Harry finally snaps out of it and pushes Cole to the floor, punching him back. "I'm talking about Theresa, Tess, the dumb Tessa Young, she sure ain't no shortcake." He hisses, getting angrier by the second.

"Oh." Tessa is sad.

Suddenly, Tessa O'Connell jumps from her seat with tears streaking her face. "I knew it, you're a bully Cole, and you'll never change, you're scary and I'm afraid of you, don't talk to me ever again." She cries louder and runs out of the room, a dramatic trail of tears forming behind her.

"Hey, Tessie! Wait, don't just leave me like that!" Cole calls after her retreating figure, but she doesn't stop.

"Hey, is that doritos?" Caleb asks and I turn around. In my peripheral veiw, I see Sam and Macy munching on a bag of doritos and watching the fight.

"Yeah, here." Sam offers caleb another bag and I melt at their blooming bromance, feeling like a proud mother.

I turn back to see Cole glaring daggers at Harry. "It's all your fault." He growls angrily.

Harry rolls his eyes. "Dude chill, I'm only in for the bet, just give me some money and bloody bed sheets and I'll be out."

Cole throws five thousand dollars at Harry's feet. "Take it you pig."

A strangled noise catches my attention and I turn towards it. It came from Mr Ambrose, and right now he was itching, his eyes glaring at the stack of money by Harry's feet.

Harry's eyes widen and he rushes to collect it, then he pauses suddenly. "Hey thanks, but Tessa isn't worth all this, here you can take half of it ba-"

He didn't get to finish his sentence, because Cole was already out, and Mr Ambrose was now happily stuffing the money in his old worn out wallet with a silently stormy satisfied look on his face.

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