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Want to know my story and how I fell in love with a vampire doctor? Well, let's start first with some information about me then I will tell you how I came to be Mrs.Carisle Cullen.

My name is Alexandria Elena Jefferson, I am 19 years old I am thirty-two weeks pregnant, I got pregnant when I was eighteen. the baby daddy disowned my baby and refused to acknowledge their existence.

So with the money I had from working all my life and saving up, I moved along with my mom to Forks Washington. Where I was met with heartache right off.

See my mom and I had just moved into the house that my grandparents of her side owned and she left to do handle business in Seattle.

But she never made it to her destination. The car's brakes gave out and her car hit right into the back of a semi truck that cut her off and she died on impact.

I had dealt with her funeral and had her buried in a nearby graveyard where I visit every day with updates on me and my little babies.

"Yea I found out that I am to have twins which were shocking to me but I know I could do it. I mean my mom was a single parent with no husband or, anyone, in her life to helping her. My grandparents would call and check on her but they didn't help unless it was absolutely necessary.

So here I am pregnant with twins and scared I won't lie, but I know that if my mom could do it then so can I.

That is my info I hope you enjoy my story casue here we go

OH !! one more thing

I attend some online classes while I work as a receptionist at the hospital. I am majoring in interior design & my minor is ancient Egypt.

I just love learning about the years and centuries before all of us were around.


I slipped on my coat since it was snowing outside and headed out the door to my winterized car. I climbed into my BMW and turned on the heat and waited for it to warm up before I headed off to work.

There is a doctor here that oh my gosh he is fine as hell and I would not mind him being my babies' daddy. This man is a walking wet dream, and boy let me do you I have one of him almost nightly.

I stopped by the local diner got a quick breakfast then went to the hospital where I parked in the back and locked up grabbed my bag, placed it in the trunk after taking my wallet out I headed inside.

Once I was clocked in I went over to the maternity ward and took over for that receptionist.


I enjoyed working in this department I get to hear the soft song they play when a new life is born, I get to see quick glimpses of the babies as they are strolled by the desk to the Nursery. And I get to see the happy families as they come and see their new family members. I also watch the moms that see their babies after they had c-section and was asleep when their baby was delivered so they look in the nursery window at their baby.

"Um Excuse me miss, Can I ask a favor?"

I looked up at this young mom, not that I am judging cause I am one as well.

"Yeah sure, what can I do for you?" I asked

"Can you take me to where the nursery is and inside to see my baby?"

I stood up and walked around to where she stood. She looked at me

"So you're expecting too huh?"

I smiled and rubbed my stomach

"Yea, I am having twins" I replied

"Wow have fun, I lucked up and had just one,", she said

I smiled and showed her to the nursery and knocked on the door and talked to a nurse who checked the ladies' wrist bracelet and then went and got the baby that's bracelet matched the ladies.

"I wish you all the best in the world," I tell her

the nurse approaches and the lady looked at me

"Thank you, and best of luck with your two." she said then took her baby.

"I smiled my thanks then headed back to my seat.


"Alright Alex time for you to head to lunch, I will take it from here," one of my co-works said

I smiled in thanks and grabbed my coat then walked off to the lunchroom.

I was so glad they had some decent food or else I would have gone to the diner again.

I wasn't looking where I was going since I was looking for my wallet and I bumped into someone.

"Woah careful there mom to be"

I looked up ready to apologize then I noticed who I ran into.

"Sorry Dr. Cullen," I said

"It's quite alright Alex and please call me Carlisle" he replied

I nodded my head.

"Where are you headed?"

"Lunchroom, I'm on lunch break."

"Mind if I join?"

"Not at all."

He smiled then stepped back and allowed me to lead the way.

We talked and got to know a bit about each other as I grabbed my drink and lunch. He asked about my babies and I told him they are doing great, that the last checkup the doctor told me that both my babies girl and boy was healthy.

He held my seat out for me and I thanked him before sitting down as he sat across from me.


A/N: won't be like to movies or books

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