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I feel as if I will never pop. I mean dont get me wrong but I am ready for my babies to come into this world.

I still work but not as long I normally do. 

I have talked with my birthing doctor and she advised me that when I get much closer to my due date to take maternity leave and be on bed rest.

I assured her that since my fiance is a doctor that he will make sure I am not doing anything but staying on bed rest.


" So what is the verdict?" Esme asked as she picked me up from my place.

"Still heavily pregnant" I replied

She chuckled as she headed to her place where the others except Carlisle was at.

I told them since I had just decided to take maternity leave that I would spend time with them if not spend my bed rest days when it comes to them so they could help if they wished to do so.

"Well, Alice has gotten pictures of her ideas for yours and Carlisle's wedding, from dresses to the reception," Esme said

"I bet she had those before he even popped the question," I said

"She did but waited till Carlisle asked you."

I laughed and shook my head.


We arrived and I carefully climbed out and pressed my hand against my lower back as I waddled into the house right behind Esme.

"Hey" they all greeted

"Hi" I replied as I waddled over and sat down on the couch and relaxed and closed my eyes.

"So how are the babies?" 

I opened my eyes seeing Rose was the one to ask

"Well they are settled right now but earlier it's like they were playing soccer with my bladder."

"May I touch your stomach?"

I nodded my head and watched as she walked over and sat beside me before softly touching my stomach and rubbed it.

"though I may not feel it, I am burning up and your cold hands are much needed right now."

She looked at me briefly and smiled before turning her attention back to my stomach.

"Wanna see something?"

She nodded

I lifted my shirt and tapped were one of the twins was at and they moved their hand along my stomach where you could see em.

Her eyes widen and she looked at me.

I smiled

"It tickles but its how they say hello" I explain

She smiles and tickles my stomach and they do it again.

As all the kids left to go and hunt then do what they wanted I headed up to Carlisle's office and grabbed his stethoscope and placed the circle part to my stomach and listened to the loud whomping sound.

"May I listen?"

I looked and seen Carlisle walk into the room. I nodded and removed the ear parts from my ears and handed it to him. He took them as I held the circle part to my stomach.

"Very fast heartbeats which is great," he says then removes the stethoscope and puts It away before coming back and wrapping his arms around me and kissed me.

I try to get as close as I can to him so I could deepen the kiss but with my huge twin carrying belly it wasn't possible to I stretched my neck and deepened it.

He pulled away and I was left breathless and panting.

"How are you doing today?" he asked as he walked me over to the couch and sat down with me.

"I am doing great, this morning they were rowdy but now they are calm and settled" I reply

He nods his head and smiles before he starts to rub my stomach like he as from day one of us being with each other.

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