Wow. Already an A/N

352 1 6

Well, fuck me gently with a chainsaw
Look who just got sick the day they decide to fucking make this?


Okay. I'm not sick. I just feel sick.
I didn't feel good writing the Tenmiko thing. I just wanted to watch YouTube and read Twobuki fanfics and only roleplay with my two roleplay partners (who don't roleplay often-) so uh. Yeah.

I'll try and write tomorrow? I'm trying to get at least one more writer on this oneshot book, too. So... yeah. No one has agreed, of course 🙄

So yeah. Just thought I'd update. I won't write any more tonight. I just want any roleplay that is Sondam, Amatojo, Kaimaki, or Twobuki. Lol. Maybe Akanidai.

(If your down, hmu. I play Sonia, Kirumi, Maki, Ibuki, and Akane-)

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