Born Without a Soulmate (Kiiruma mostly)

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Before you actually start reading, I do want to apologize if any of the characters are ooc and for any possible spelling errors. Unlike Our Story, this was mostly written on 2 different phones. So, I apologize for any mistakes made in this story.

What you will be reading, hopefully: Maybe fluff, I don't know what I am actually writing. Some Kiiruma, Tenmiko, and Oumasai/Saiouma (I like both Oumasai and Saiouma so naturally I think of them as switches. I promise this is relevant later on.) Kokichi being a gremlin with a confused Kiibo. Pride Parade with Angie, Kirumi, Tenko, and Himiko. Possibly some bad writing (Mostly dialogue) and ooc.

AU: Non-Despair AU

Well, enjoy reading!


It's all because of the string. The string that ties two individuals together in faded harmony. The string that gifts others with lovers as well as curses. However, to understand the string, you need to understand it's origin and meaning.

 It all started years ago, on a moonlit night when Atua, the holy symbol of our world, decided to descend down to a certain planet. You see, Atua was bored and lonely. He wanted to create something beautiful and extravagant for his future people as he was in need of someone to talk to. In search of a place to design, he came across what is now known as the Milky Way. He graced it with stars that glowed ever so slightly, planets that each had their own unique features, and lastly, he graced one of the stars with immense thermal power and planted it in the middle of his masterpiece, as his throne. As he was admiring his work, he had found that he forgot to design a place for his future people to live. So, he created Earth and descended down to the planet to started transforming the terrain. At first, he made the water. It would have to be slick, large, and able to vastly host living creatures and potentially quench their thirst. He decided to go with a transparent blue gradient, slowly getting darker the deeper you go. Finally, he gave it the ability to move smoothly and take form of whatever it is contained in. Next up was the land. He wanted it to be lush and beautiful, so he settled on making it complex and different throughout the planet. He created jagged lines that lined the water, capturing it into different shapes and filled it in with greens and browns as a base.

Tall mountains arose out of the filled-in shapes of brown and green, taking on the form of triangles and rounder shapes. Long sticks laced with leaves and complex designs sprinkled the area as different flowers, plants, and herbs grew beside them. Lava flowed beneath the earthen rocks, shimmering like a bright molten flame. Rough, gray shapes lined river beds, mountains, and lava as they formed volcanos where there were cracks in the earthen land. After he completed the terrain, he created animals out of clay, sculpting them with detailed appearances and anatomies before giving them life. As the animals roamed the beautiful scenery, Atua felt as if something was missing. He sculpted for hours before he finally came up with the first human designs. When he first looked at the designs, a gust of fairy dust and Sakura petals floated his way, signaling something was at play here. He looked around the area before noticing a small, dark purple shadow behind him. Suddenly realizing it was the force of fate, one he could not mess with, it called to him... He answered, suddenly getting an idea in his head as the shadow vanished. That's when the red string was created. It symbolizes two fated lovers that reside on the lover's pinky. The lovers that would forever be two sides of the same coin. Humans would later call this phenomenon the Soulmate Theory.

 According to humans, the theory of soulmates is that for every living human, their other half exists. The only person that will truly love them, the only person who can understand them, and the only person who can see the string that stretches from your pinky to theirs. Everyone has one... At least, that's what they thought. Hello, My name is Miu Iruma and I was born without a soulmate. Yes, that's correct. I was born without a string. Your girl got nobody to stop her from marrying and dating whoever she wants! No strings attached, literally. However, at the time, this shocked the doctors as there were only 12 known cases of this rare disorder in the world. This disorder is called Absent Link disorder. It's when the soulmate pheromones your body releases stop working, usually in the first week of birth. This results in the red string not developing. There could be multiple causes for this phenomenon, however, the most possible prediction is that Atua believes that person isn't meant to have a soulmate. 

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