SCP idea: The Detective

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SCP inspired by H.P. Lovecraft and The Sinking City, sorta


Objwct class: Euclid

Special containment Procedures: SCP-7124 is to be kept in two rooms. One for it's humanoid form and one for it's "Monster" form. In it's humanoid form SCP-7124 is to be kept in a room that depicting of a new York City detectives office fit with a mini fridge filled with alcohol beverages, water, and regular human food for SCP-7124 and kept at cold temperatures at all times. The room is furnished with a bed, a couch, and two filing cabinets that must be restocked if the detective reads through all of the files located within the filing cabinets. The room must also be lit with a standard ceiling fan. The second room for SCP-7124's "monster" form is a tank of water that is usually used for whales and other sea creatures of it's size, the tanks glass is reinforced with graphite and 2 meters thick and still transparent enough to see inside the tank.

SCP description: SCP-7124's humanoid form depicts a humanoid male New York detective. SCP-7124 wears a trench coat and a fedora with many stains from alcohol and food. SCP-7124's humanoid form is usually friendly around d class personal and other staff. SCP-7124's humanoid form is known to disappear at random times but one person of the staff always says that SCP-7124 is going to solve a 'case' even if the staff member had not interacted or even known of SCP-7124's existence will still report it. SCP-7124's humanoid form is addicted to alcoholic drinks or substances and is aquaphobic, not other special traits of SCP-7124's humanoid form is to be discovered but after coming out of its "monster" form SCP-7124 will have no memory of what it did during its monster form and have it's usual attire still be upon it's body without a scratch.
-to be written-

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