A story for a friend [Grimm and Hornet]

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            Grimm, a master of darkness, a performer of fire, and the king of nightmares. A tall handsome higher being with teh power of teh scarlet fire and his kin on his side. Then you have hornet, teh defender of hollownest, daughter of the pale king, and a fierce Hunter. A small frame, quick on her feet, can take more than just a hit, and is as deadly as anything in deepnest. These two so contradictory yet so appealing, how will these two interact if they meet? Let alone, how will they become friends?

       Our story starts out as a regular day for Grimm, preforming for teh bugs that travel to this land. He was in hollownest, a fading kingdom of which he quite adored, of course he knew it'd crumble to ruin eventually, but he decided to enjoy it while it lasted. Today, was quite a special day. Because someone was in his audience which peaked his interest, hornet herself. So Grimm intrigued by the presence of the bug, decided to do something different. He walked out into his stage as teh crowd cheered as he then said "I'm sure your all awaiting my performance, but today I'm doing something special. I will take one volunteer from the audience that I will choose at random" the nightmare king knew he was lying to his audience, but he didn't care. He then twirled his finger as he pointed at several membered in the audience as it then landed on hornet "you, come out on stage" Hornet confused walked down to the stage as her nail was on her back and the tall being said "good good, now, shall we dance?" He snapped his fingers and brumm started to play his squeezebox and several grimmkin started playing different instruments "now, let this be a day to remember!" Grimm announced as pillars of fire came out of teh ground and he grabbed hornets hand as he then started to dance with her.

        Hornet was surprised as she tried dto go along with the fast paced dancing of Grimm and just barely managed to keep up as Grimm sang "when flame burns bright, inside ones mind, bright kin heed the call across lands and time!" Hornet tried to go along with the singing even though she knew none of teh lyrics though she was a bit embarrassed around ten crowd Grimm made sure Eto put on an excellent show as he decided to do a slow dance with some fiery effects and some of his kin singing with him swirling around teh show as the crowd cheered, then Grimm began to sing again "a spark of red light is the safest dream, visions dance and flames do speak! Scarlet nightmares so bright and wild, burn the father, feed the child!" Hornet was a bit creeped out by teh last line but what did she expect from the god of nightmares. Hornet eventually got into teh rhythm of the dance as she actually smiled under her mask as she danced with the higher being. Despite their vastly different background she was actually quite liking her time and dance with the nightmare "your realms just a part of a perpetual loop, so prepare the stage, and meet the Grimm troupe!" As he said that teh stage lit up with fire as the whole Grimm troupe started to sing along, even brumm who was never really one for singing "shadows dream of endless fire, flames devour and embers swoop! One will light teh nightmare lantern, call and serve Grimm's dead troupe! Dance and die and live forever, silent voices shout and sing! Stand before the troupes dark marrow, and burn away the nightmare king!" As he said the last part the music reached its end and with one final dip he said "ta da!" And the raised hornet up and set her down on her feet as Grimm said "that will be all for today folks, come back tommorow for another grand show!" Grimm bowed as hornet took a moment and did so as well

            The lights went out in the audience stage and the stage went dim as Grimm turns to face hornet "you danced beautifully" hornet then said "thank you, nightmare king" Grimm chuckled as he said "please, just call me Grimm, hornet" Hornet slowly nodded as she said "I hope to let you know I enjoyed that dance as well, despite me thinking you were bad this actually turned four to be quite entertaining" Grimm then bowed  saying "why thank you hornet" hornet then nodded saying "I think we can, I dare say it, be friends" Grimm smiled as he said "that would be lovely, of course we can never hang out much because I have my troop to tend to, but if you ever want to dance with nightmare's, come here any time and I'll make your request reality" hornet nodded as she said "I will between me patrolling the kingdom protecting it, speaking of protecting the kingdom, I must leave" Grimm then said "ah but I ahev something for you before you leave" he then snapped his fingers and an instrument appeared, a flute "we don't have many flute players here in teh troupe, so I will let you have one of our flutes. Maybe I could hear you play one day?" Hornet looked down at teh flute that had fallen into her hands as she slowly nodded saying "you know what, I might try that" Grimm then said "thank you hornet, I know you must have work, so, have a nice day" hornet turned around as she started to make her leave before she turned around and said "you to" and left the tent

         Despite their different duties and different alignments hornet and Grimm grew to be good friends, sure they can some conflict every now and again but tahts how it was in every relationship. Hornet played for the Grimm troupe and danced with Grimm. They bother liked eachother though hornet did hate Grimm's flirting that he did every now and again.


Hollow: hey peeps hollow here, this story was requested by SSJBKIRBY, for his good friend and my good friend rosé. Hope you enjoyed it guys! Especially you rosé!

Credit to Lazy Moonkin for teh song Grimm sang

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