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A short creepypasta, or short story. I dunno I just wanna make a creepy story.


Dan lodger. Dan lodger was a college freshman at the college of the performing arts, like any other college freshmen he had big plans for the future, looking to get a role in a movie or even write a play. He was really looking forward to his future and he was sure an optimist. He had his hobbies like going out and playing DND with his friends on teh weekends and on the holidays he went to visit his family, which he quite liked. He had no reason to burn Bridges with them. Dan also wasn't that bad looking either, brown hair, a chiseled chin, and some pretty looking blue eyes along with a beard that wasn't all too long but he still took pride in it, Dan was 5'11'', the average height, so he didn't consider himself special. He wasn't that muscular either since he mainly took pride in his social and acting skills so he found no reason to go out to the gym though he did jog every once and a while. Then he had his best friend, Blake Butch, a 5'5'' man with jet black hair, absolutely no facial hair, and toned skin, he was muscular because he went out to the gym to exercise, and he had some hazel eyes that weren't entrancing but they didn't look bad. Blake was his friend since kindergarten and they'd formed a strong bond. He didn't know much about his friends family since we'll taht was a sensitive subject to him, but he kept a strong bond between them as they'd hang outs and go for a drink every once and a while. Blake had started a butcher business as he had used his savings to build his butcher shop, fill it up, and get some livestock so he could make a living. Blake didn't want to go to college since he had a stable life, even though he never had a girlfriend he didn't mind that. Blake was very social and had a lot of friends, but he had a secret..., Dan also had a job as a part time retailer in a home Depot as he was tasked with restocking things, making sure things were in order. It wasn't much but he made a living. They both lived in moss bluff Louisiana. Now, let's get onto teh story now we have some background info.

It was just a normal day for day, he was heading off to college, his second week in! Sure he had some bullies but he didn't complain. He enjoyed himself at least. He was walking up to his college as he saw a missing poster, so many people have been going missing over the years. And unluckily for him, it was mostly people from the college and people taht were his best friends Blake's buddies. He felt bad for Blake, so many of his friends went missing without warning. He felt bad for him, but of course he shook the thought off as he continued his march around the college. The day went smoothly mostly until he overheard some people were talking about an urban legend he hadn't heard of, so he listened in on the male who was talking "so the legend goes, if you go into the cellar of the butcher shop, you never leave. A man in a pig face with come and snatch you!" Of course another guy piped up and said "well that just sounds like Leatherface but with extra steps! Plus taht just sounds like a generic story for someone to make up!" Dan immediately lost interest so he continued to head to his classes.

After his long day of college Dan decided to go meet with his friend Blake at his butcher shop, so he took a walk to there. It was becoming dark already but he knew his friend would let him in either way. He walked up to the butcher shop and saw the neon sign saying "Open!" Glow a bright red hue, but when he looked inside, there was no one there. He opened teh unlocked door as the stench of rot hit his nose as he pinched the bridge of his nose "Jesus Christ... Guess he must be taking out some rotten food... Hopefully he won't mind if I peek around..." Dan usually wasn't nosey but he was rarely ever in his friends butcher shop since he didn't liek to bother this friend while he was at work.

Dan started scanning over the shelves as he saw the different meats, beef, pork, chicken, fish, and other ones he didn't recognize, they didn't even have a label. He then decided to check the employees room, still, no sign of Blake. He started searching around as he saw a heavy metal door cracked open, the word 'Celler' hung over head on a sign as he recalled the urban legend but he still didn't believe it. So he opened the squeaky door as teh stench of rot was bounding on his nose as he said "guess this is where he stores the food..." He walked down the dimly lit steps as he finnaly set foot in the cellar and he saw the standard stuff a butcher shop would have, some meat on hooks, different tool to get the meat. Pretty standard stuff, still no sign of Blake though, but he looked at the meat and none of it was rotten, so he was confused, he started to follow the stench as he came to a rusted door with red stains on it. He pinched his nose as he creaked open the door to the pitch black room, he walked in as he turned on teh light and his eyes widened in fear if what he saw.

He saw several dead bodies hanging from meat hooks, some even slumped against teh wall. Gutted in different ways some missing limbs, they looked tortured, mutilated, some had their eyes gauged out and some had their fingernails missing, their clothing's as still on as he looked at them, each one had a sign stuck to them, 'travis', 'sarah', 'gary', and more he couldn't read from his distance as he remembered something, these were all teh names if the people who were missing, Blake's friends... He backed up in horror as he bumped into something's and spun around as low and behold, there he was, Blake. Blake stared at Dan as Dan was speechless and stumbling over his words as Blake said "you weren't supposed to see this, Dan, I don't want to hurt you, but you've seen too much" before Dan knew it he had been socked in the face and knocked out.

Dan groaned as he woke up, and felt a sharp pain in his throat. He tried to speak, or scream, but nothing came out... He looked around and he saw he was In a tiled room with a single door, with a slit in it, he looked around and he saw some dead carcasses of pigs, chickens, even cows. There was a sleeping bag there but nothing much else. His attention was lifted twords his inability to speak, then he had remembered, his friend Blake took several medical and anatomy classes while in school, now he saw why he did it. So he could be more sadistic in his nature. Then he heard the slot of the door open and he saw the hazel eyes, of Blake "rise and shine sleepy head, I didn't want to kill you, your my best friend, so I decided I would keep you as a pet, and if anyone finds you, or you escape, you won't be able to tell them anything. Just think if all the fun we'll have, it'll be like the good old days!" Blake wore a sadistic smile yet a caring one at that. Then he said "breakfast is coming up in about an hour, so be ready! Oh and also, just because you might get bored, here's a copy of my list" he slid a piece of paper through the slot, then slid the slot shut.

The paper wafted over to Dan as he held the paper in his hands, bad he read the names, all the names of blakes different friends who were missing or presumed dead. Then he felt something on teh back of teh paper that was water like but sticky, he turned the paper over, and written and blood, in big bold letters...


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