24 | everyone wants to be found

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The week between Christmas and New Year's was a blur. The first couple weeks of January came and went before Jensen could realize they had. Her film schedule had made the days blend into each other with brief days in between where she usually spent the day with Miles. Robert hadn't been seen since Christmas. Miles hadn't complained about that.

            Miles had been doing well since Robert had visited the set. He'd finally got his red coin. Which made him endlessly happy and Jensen couldn't have been prouder of him. Miles had talked a little bit more about how the visit from Robert had made him feel. Like he was being stalked. It made his skin itch. Feeling like he couldn't quite escape Robert no matter how many years it had been.

            Jensen, on the other hand, was starting to feel the repercussions of not being home. She was finding it harder to find time to talk to Liberty. To check her email and answer her student's questions. (The ones that weren't about tabloids or Miles.) (Jensen wished she could send out a mass email that explained everything, but she valued her and Miles' privacy over any questions from high schoolers.) Jensen knew tech week was coming soon. She even missed the stress of that.

            Jensen was loving her time in Hollywood. Not to be taken wrong. Hollywood had surprises around every corner. It brought Jensen into a world that she couldn't even comprehend at times. For once in her life, she felt like she could go along with the ride. Miles made that easier.

After the rollercoaster incident—of which Jensen wished she could forget—Miles made sure he triple checked everything he suggested for their date days with her first. Jensen insisted everything was fine with her, Miles still checked every time. Because he felt as bad as she did about it.

            Jensen hadn't mentioned much about missing home. About how after filming days, Liberty was already at work and Jensen couldn't call her. Or even text her, really. The kids weren't asking questions about her course. There were a few links to videos of the 9 to 5 rehearsals, but nothing that really made Jensen feel like she was still a part of it. Which, she wasn't. Not really. Not how she'd expected to be when she started auditions.

            Crossroads. That's where Jensen felt she was. Enjoying life in Hollywood and the process of filming her first feature. But home was home. Home had her best friend and her students and her life. But Hollywood had Miles and opportunities and... a life she never envisioned for herself.

            Jensen wished she could get out of her own head.

            There was a small knock at her trailer door. Jensen didn't know how long she'd been staring at herself in the mirror blankly. Pressing the power button on her phone, Jensen's eyes widened. A lot more than the ten minutes that Jensen had told Miles she'd take to change out of her costume.

            And it was all because of the text alert that sat there. This is everything you've ever wanted. Don't mess it up now. Lucille really had a way with words.

            Jensen quickly changed and heard more knocking as she was tying her second shoe. She was glad she'd packed loose clothes to slide on after a long day at work. A pair of black joggers and a basic blue t-shirt wasn't the epitome of fashion, but Jensen was more than happy with her choice. Throwing her hair into likely the messiest bun she could muster. Curls everywhere but in the hair elastic. She opened the trailer door and saw Miles with a hand clamped over his eyes.

            "What are you doing?" Jensen asked.

            "Are you decent?" Miles kept his hand blindfold on. The shirt he'd changed into had Save Ferris in bold letters across his chest.

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