
515 43 21

j u n g k o o k

this was not what he expected. a trip to get his friend's stuff turned into a blush fest.

his cheeks would be aching at the end of the day.

both types of cheeks.

jimin put him down on the floor to let him stand before he himself sits on the bed, patting his lap as if he expected jungkook to know what he meant.

"i guess he fell?" seokjin said, though it was more of a question.

jimin nodded.

"and you are doing?"

"i am helping him with his wound," jimin replied bluntly.

seokjin gave jungkook a look, though the latter did not respond.

the oldest grinned, "alright, i'll go get us some drinks from the cafe nearby, do your thang guys."

he abruptly left, closing the door softly behind him.

"lie down," jimin broke the short silence which followed.

jungkook looked around awkwardly, "on the flo-?"

"on my lap."

that'd be kinda gay though.

jungkook bit his lip, resisting the vibrant blush which threatened to rise on his cheeks.

he shuffled over to jimin's side and plopped down on his lap.

jimin sighed for the sixth time that day, "the other way dumbass." without waiting for a response, he grabbed jungkook's hips and flipped him around, earning a grunt from the younger.

if only jimin knew how much jungkook's face hurt from blushing. or maybe he already knew.

before jungkook could even say daddy, jimin had pulled down the younger's pants along with his boxers.

it took everything to not squeak out when the cold air touched his skin.

"its even worse than what i expected, are you sure you only fell?" jimin questioned, pursing his lips.

jungkook's butt had a purplish-green wound wound which was made from the fall earlier. but there were several other wounds which seemed to have reopened.

jungkook cursed his idiocy, "um, there were from you know, my father," he mumbled almost inaudibly.

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