part 2

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Philip:whoa calm down-

Me:lol okeh UwU

Russia:good cause your voice sound like a dying bird

Me:oof okay, so this is from Xx_rusphil_xX "to russia and philip: what if you guys were meant for eachother?"


Russia:*intense blush* t-thats impossible...

Philip:y-yeah but if me and kuya russia did got together I can see we make a good couple I guess..

Russia:*blushes even more*oh..


Me:finland no, now this is from crimsomLove "to philip:I dare you to wear a mini skirt UwU. question:why do you like finland? ÛwÛ

Philip:*blushes*PUTA- I'm not wearing a skirt!!!

Nekomi:*takes out a skirt out know where* you have to philip-kun~ ÒwÓ

Philip:NUUUU-*got dragged in a room by nekomi*

Me:lmao this is gonna be good XD

Finland:heh same


Nekomi:*walks out of the room*

Me:so is he wearing it?

Nekomi:yep! Come out philip-kun!

Philip:*slowly walk out of the room wearing a skirt* I-I hate you guys -///-

Belarus:aww you look cute phil!!

Japan and spain:*nosebleeds*

Finland:*smirks and carries philip in a bridal style* looks like I'm gonna be busy today~

Philip:f-finny! Put me down!!

Finland:nope~ *goes in a room*

Me:welp...lets leave the two be for a while..


-hours later-

Finland and philip:*gets out of the room*

Nekomi:soo~ did you two had fun~?


Philip:*blushes*I hate you both

Finland:*hugs philip* awww love you too babe~

Me:alright enough lovey dovey, philip you have a question you need to answer

Philip:oh right! I forgot, I like him because he's very sweet,caring and handsome ^^

Finland:awww babe~


Me:oh god sen help qwq- okay this is from  ich_bin_tot "to martial:guns or nukes? And what do you think about ame cheating on phil?"

Martial:guns of course and I knew that bastard is gonna cheat on MY brother soon so LET ME KILL HIM FOR FUCK SAKES!!

Del:martial no!! No killing!!

Philip:kuya martial its fine!!! He doesn't deserve to die!!!


Me:ALRIGHT ENOUGH! Lets all calm down or I will smack you guys with mah chancla! ÙnÚ

Martial:grrr fine..

Del:thank god :'D

Me:*sighs* alright this is from mochi690 "okay! Next question! You're trapped with someone who you hate (ex:russia is stuck with finland) what would you do? (Phil is stucl with ame cus yes)

Finland:I will fucking end his fucking life of course

Russia:same to you shithead!

Ame:I would just stay silent...


Martial:kill them!

Del:just avoid him XD

Other countries:we don't know :P

Me:okay then, this dare is from shevonnemasigman "to phil: I dare you to cosplay as hanabi from mobile legends"

Philip:*blushes* WHAT!? I already wear a skirt but this!!? I'm out!

Nekomi:*drags him in a room* no you're gonna do the dare!!



Nekomi and philip:*walks out of the room*

Philip:*is cosplaying as hanabi* this is s-stupid -///-'

Finland:*nosebleeds* damn babe you lookin' sexy today~

Philip:shut up! >///<

Russia:*intense nosebleeds* fuck-

Belarus and france:you look gorgeous!! UwU

Spain and japan:*nosebleeds a lot* oh god-

Estonia:you look pretty philip!

Czech:thats mah beautiful twin UwU(cause czech and philippines almost have the same flag? XD)

UK:he looks fantastic!

Romonia: looking good philip XD

All male countries:*nosebleeds* fuck I think we're gay-

Me:ahahahahahaha XDD

Me:thank you for all of the Q&A's and dares! I hope theres more in the future! Byeeee!

Q&A(dares as well) countryhumansWhere stories live. Discover now