part 9

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Me:oookay its been a while I think-

Russia:bruh we need to take a break from these questiobs and dares

Me:theres no turning back now my friends-


Me:okay the first one we have today is from Lenka10122007 "I dare philip to prank finland with the I lost my memory prank"

Philip:ohohohoho now this is gonna be good!

Me:finland! Get your ass over here now!!

Finland:aight' whats up?

Me:philip do you remember him? *points at finland*

Philip:uhm n-no sorry..

Finland:....this is a prank right..?

Me:nope he lost his memories...

Finland:then how did he lost his memories huh..?

Me and philip:.........

Finland:*crosses arms* I knew you two are gonna prank me

Philip:but how did you find out?

Finland:you two are bad at acting -~-

Me:wow just wow bruh


Finland:*walks off*

Me:alrighty this next one is from NovoAmorAlbao "I dare phil to go missing and come back another day but like he has a good excuse and finland can't punshi him"

Philip:sweet! But where would I stay until tomorrow? can stay at brazil's house he hasn't come too much in this house-

Philip:okeh then

Me:now go sneak away before they see you



China:hey have you guys seen philip?

France:no, why?

China:I haven't seen him since like 1 hour ago..

Estonia:maybe he's busy today I think

China:aight' then

-many hours later-

Finland:have you guys seen my sunflower?

Czech:nope haven't seen him

Russia:now that I think of it..he hasn't been back this long...

Australia:m-maybe skmething happened to him...

Belarus:oh don't panic be'll be back soon..

-Night time-



Me:*walks in* wuts going on?

Sweden:finland is having a mebtal break down cause philip isn't here!!

Me:oh, where is he?


Me:whoa there finland its night time and everyone wants sleep

Nekomi:yeah finland-kun, all of us are worried where philip is but lets just look for him in the morning...

Finland:fine...*goes to my room and slams the door*

Me:welp...looks like he isn't himself when philip is missing..

Netherland:yeah...tomorrow lets find philip for finland..


-next day-

Finland:*is still sleepy and goes out of my room*

Philip:*is on the couch*

Finland:*rubs my eyes and sits next to philip but didn't notice him* goodmorning..

Philip:goodmorning finny!

Finland:*eyes widen and looks at philip* s-sunflower!!? W-where have you been!?

Philip:I-I was at egypts house! Me and him had a sleep over^^'

Finland:*sighs* next time, tell me where are you going..*hugs him*

Philip:okeh *hugs back*

Nekomi:*yawns and sees philip* goodmorni-...

Philip:morning nekomi!

Me:*sees philip:oh, you're back!


Me:*yawns* alright, now that you're here lets continue


Me:this one is from Xx_rusphil_xX "to phil:I dare you to russia's ushanka for a day and act like you and russia are two couples for 24 hours. ❤"

Philip:well we're lucky that kuya russia is now awake!

Russia:*nods* yep

Me:aight now you two act like a couple N O W

Russia:*puts my ushanka on sunshine's head* heh, you look cute with my ushanka on your head, sunshine~

Philip:*giggles and playfully punches russia on the chest* russia~~!


Me:no! Just let them be for tomorrow

Finland:*sighs* aight then, but if I saw that bastard jiss him on the lips, I swear I'm ginna snap!


Russia:*sits on the couch*

Philip:*sits on russia's lap and giggles*

Russia:*smirks and puts hand on his ass*

Philip:*flinches* r-ruski get your hands off of my butt!

Russia:sorry but no~


Finland:*is about to snap soon*

Me:*secretly takes pic of russia and philip* yaaas-

-24 hours later-

Philip:yay we did it!!

Russia:yesss finally :D

Finland:*kisses philip* you can only love me, okay? ;^;

Philip:*giggles and kisses back* okie ^-^

Me:aight' this is it for now and please let me rest cause I have things to do that needs to be finished so oof-

Ame:wait so this means all of us can take a break??

Me:yeah I need a break from the questions and dares for a while

All the countries:YEEEESSSS!! :'D

Me:but I will still continue it, I'm just tired ;-;

Philip:oof okay-

Me:anyways I hope you enjoy reading! I'm sorry I coudln't do all of them so I'm so sorry :'D anyways BYEEEEE!!

All the ciuntries:BYEEEEE!! :D

Q&A(dares as well) countryhumansWhere stories live. Discover now