Tfa yandere Sentinel Prime x robophobic! Human Reader

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I have never seen a lot of tfa Sentinel Prime x human readers, especially yandere Sentinel Prime, so take this little fic, why don't ya?

Also noticed that some of my favorite old yandere stories disappeared, and I am a sad :(

So I'm gonna give y'all stories. Enjoy, maggots.

Also, trigger warning, the reader is a real asshole, and a potential psychopath (not really, but still pretty fucked)


"More of them!?!?" You sputtered, feeling your stomach turn at the sight of the newly arrived autobots.

Your face scrunched up in disgust as one of them (Jazz) waved his servo at you. Sari stood next to you, groaning as she knew you were about to hurl insults at the new-comers.

"Jeez, it's just a robot wonderland here!" You threw your hands up in exasperation.

"(Y/n), calm down, I know you hate... robots... but they're different, they aren't like the ones you see in movies-"
"You think I base my opinions on robots from fictional movies? You think I'm some tin-foil hat loving moron????"

"Well..." Bumblebee was about to respond when you grabbed a rock the size of your hand and threw it at his forehead.

"Shut up, you waste of spare parts." You snarled before feeling eyes-er optics on your form and turning around to find your next poor victim.

It was like looking into a mirror as both you and the giant blue robot stared at one another with disgust.

"You got a problem, terminator?" You glared at him with intense anger.

"I don't talk to organics." He spat, glaring at you with the same ferocity.

You felt heat burning your core as your muscles tensed up. And if looks could kill, you would have made the extinction of the dinosaurs look like child's play.

Everyone else backed away slowly while you and him had a staring contest. You took a step back and sucked in a breathe, closing your eyes as Sari stared at you with wide eyes.

"Oh god, (y/n), DON-"


A giant snot ball splat on the ground near the bot's pede. He let out a shriek, jumping back and stumbling to get behind Jazz, who was trying to back away.

You let out a very amused, evil laugh before calming down and looking through Jazz at the bot behind him.

"Welcome to Earth, Faggot." You chuckled, before turning around walking back to the autobot base.


You leaned against the wall, glaring at BumbleBee walking into the base as Sari sat on his shoulders, laughing along with Bee's jokes.

Just then, a pede stepped right in front of you, nearly crushing your feet as you jumped back, letting out a yelp. You looked up, seeing Sentinel Prime, trying to hang something up on the wall you were leaning against. Your wide, fearful eyes narrowed with rage and you kicked the mech in the pede, making him flinch  and look down at you.

"Watch it you motherfucking robot, you nearly crushed me!!!" You shouted, throwing two middle fingers at him.

He blinked before scoffing at you.

"You're in the way. I'm trying to do stuff while you sit around on your gross, fleshy aft all day, glaring at everyone." He said, looking away from you as he crossed his arms.

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