Tfa one-sided Optimus Prime x Prime! Reader part 1

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This is gonna be... a little short... just a heads up.

Also some stuff hinting at Ultra Magnus x reader


You were (y/d) prime.

A great and powerful leader with no limits, a clever bot who knew just about every solution to a problem. A Prime with control over every situation and the strength of a thousand autobots.

You were the best of the best, even Sentinel held so much respect and admiration for you.

And while you had admirers, you also had enemies. Lots of them.

Megatron always took a battle with you seriously, as even he knew one slip up could cost his life. Many times, he would try to offline you when he got the chance, even stalking your ship to figure out your every secret and weakness. You always evaded his attacks without lifting a finger, which was why everyone was shocked when your ship was found destroyed in the middle of space....

There was nobody on board, holes were blasted in the walls and bits of energon was sprayed on the floor and walls.

They never found your body, and no signs of you was ever reported, so the autobots deemed you offlined.

It was truly a sad loss for all of the autobots, especially Optimus Prime.

Optimus Prime never really met you in person, never even exchanged words with you, but he looked up to you.

You were perfect in his optics.

He enjoyed the stories he has heard of you and would always wait around for updates about you. When he heard of your disappearance and potential death, he felt as though a piece of him was torn out of his spark.

The days for Optimus seemed to have grown dull... even after the victory of the autobots...


Optimus stood between Sentinel and the tall figure in the smoke. Sentinel laid on the ground, holding his side, which was leaking heavy amounts of energon.

Optimus held his axe in front of him, ready to pounce on the mysterious figure before the smoke cleared away, revealing the (y/c) metal of the threat.

The first thing he noticed was the sharp, intimidating optics. A familiar gaze somewhat made less familiar with the red glow. Optimus' grip on the axe loosened big by bit as he put the pieces together.

"(Y-Y/d) prime!?"

Sentinel looked up as well, his face holding the same amount of shock as Optimus.

You scrunched up your face slightly in disgust.

"You're not Ultra Magnus." You said venomously as you stomped forward will rage seeping out of your frame.

Optimus dropped his axe, being picked up by the throat and being lifted up towards your face.

"Where. Is. Ultra. MAGNUS." You said, squeezing Optimus as he gripped your wrists.

Optimus closed his optics shut before peaking to look at your faceplate more closely.

Breathe taking to say the least.

He was still in awe at the fact that you were the same age as Ultra Magnus. You repeated your demand, shaking the prime before receiving his answer.

"I-I don't know-"
"I'm right here, (Y/d) prime."

You turned with Optimus still in servo to see Ultra Magnus himself. You easily towered over him, even being taller than Megatron himself. Add that to the fact that you also had large machine guns attached to each arm intimidated even the bravest Autobot.

You dropped Optimus carelessly, bringing out the guns on each side before stalking towards Ultra Magnus with dark intentions.

The jet twins got in front of Ultra Magnus, ready to fight you off before their leader told them to back off.

"...this is between (Y/d) and I..." he said, walking towards you with his hammer held in front of him.

"Yes, this is between the two of us." You said before rushing towards him.

Ultra Magnus held his hammer up, ready to strike before you rammed yourself into him, knocking both the hammer and the air out of him.

All the bots and remaining Decepticons watched in awe and abject horror as both of you fought, with you wiping the ground with Ultra Magnus himself.

You slammed a pede on his chest before raising your left gun towards his face.

"Any last words, 'Magnus? Anything you want to say to your crew before I blow you to bits?" You said in an amused tone, yet lacking a smile to match that tone.

"Yes... please... remember what you fought for..."

You paused at that. What did you fight for...?

Ah yes. Cybertron. You fought for Cybertron. And your offlined team. And the rest of your fellow autobots... and for Ultra Magnus.

Starscream stood near by, growing impatient as you stood there, staring into Ultra Magnus' fading optics.

"Well? What are you waiting for??? KILL HIM!!!!" Starscream yelled.

You slowly lifted your pede off of your ex-partner before pointing your left gun at Starscream, who immediately realized how skrewed he was in the situation.

"This has nothing to do with you, Starscream." You said in a calm tone before firing a thousand rounds at the seeker, who was quickly torn to pieces by the large bullets. Anything that was behind him was destroyed, which everyone else was luckily not located at.

Energon splattered all over the ground.

As you flew away in your alt, leaving everyone except Starscream alive. Ultra Magnus and Sentinel was taken to see Ratchet, who nearly fainted at the sight of the two. Optimus returned to the scene with his team, sitting down on rubble. Optimus stared on in morbid curiosity and shock at the stain that once was Starscream

"Man... that was... brutal." Bulkhead said, coming up behind Optimus.

"Brutal??? That doesn't even come close to... this!" Bumblebee said, his wide eyes staring at one of Starscream's severed servos.

Prowl stood from the side, gazing at the sky with crossed arms, refusing to look at the gore.

"If (y/d) Prime wanted to, she would have... done the same to us..." Prowl muttered.

Bumblebee shivered at the thought.

"Thank Primus she didn't! I wonder what changed her processor?"

Optimus looked up at the sky with a blank expression.

He wanted to meet you. His hero, his idol...

But like this...? He couldn't really answer that simple question.

But the real question was... when will he meet you again...?

To be continued...


Man, poor Starscream!

Anyways, to answer some questions you might have, yes, you are a really tall femme, I mean an absolute UNIT of a femme.

Why did you turn against the autobots? All will be revealed...

Also, yeah, I know there wasn't much Optimus in here, but don't worry, next chapter will definitely have the reader and Optimus interact waaaaay more.

Also, dunno if I should make Optimus have some obsession with Reader Prime, what do y'all think???

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